
July 2023

June 2023


One of the things I love about fishing in the ocean is that I’m always encountering something new… “What is that?”I asked the fisherman [...]

Not A Fan

I am not a fan of goodbyes. At Annual conference this past week we said goodbye to several of my good friends as they retired. [...]

May 2023

Your Turn

Greetings! In rezKIDS this May, the series has been The Messengers. Each Sunday, the kids have been hearing a Bible story about God’s messengers [...]

Thanks, AP

Four years ago, one of the young adults who had come through our youth group answered the call to serve as our Youth Director. [...]

April 2023

Road Trip

“Greetings! Dan and I just returned from vacation. We first drove to Kentucky to visit son Cole and his family. We had a lovely [...]


“Last Saturday my youngest child turned 29. I have never been one to pay much attention to milestone birthdays: 29, 39, 50, 60. Birthday [...]

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