There’s an old story about the most successful fisherman in the county. He is so successful that the game warden suspects something illegal is going on. So, the warden asks the man to take him fishing and show him how he does so well. The man agrees and rows him out to the middle of the lake. Then he opens his tackle box, pulls out a stick of dynamite, lights the fuse, and tosses it overboard. BOOM! The lake erupts and dozens of stunned fish float to the surface. 

The game warden is beside himself. “Buddy,” he says, “Do you know how many laws you’ve just broken?“ And he proceeds to cite a long list of regulations. The man calmly reaches into his tackle box and lights another stick of dynamite. Then he hands it to the game warden and says, “Are you gonna talk or are you gonna fish?”

Dynamite was his secret to success. Wouldn’t it be nice if God handed us something to make our lives more successful? Wait, he has! It’s called prayer. This winter you are invited to join a 28-day prayer experiment based on the book “Dynamite Prayer” by Rosario Picardo and Sue Nilson Kibbey. You can pick up a free copy at the church or order one online. I will also be preaching on the power of prayer from now until Lent. I hope you will join me in this prayer experiment and see how prayer breaks through the roadblocks in our lives and empowers us to live life to the fullest.

God bless you,
Pastor Mark

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10 NIV