
April 2024


I gave up social media for Lent, so on Easter Sunday, with a full stomach after a delicious brunch, I settled in on the [...]

March 2024

Whole-y Week

If all you knew of Holy Week was Palm Sunday and Easter, you might think that Jesus had it easy. One Sunday they throw [...]

New Again

Penny, my 13-year-old yellow lab, is nearing the end. She has lost half her weight, doesn’t eat much, and can only plod along in [...]

February 2024


In 1982 Richard Proudfit, a Minnesota businessman, returned from a mission trip to Honduras and heard God say, “If you’ve seen my starving children, feed [...]

Lent Already?

This year we have an early Easter (March 31) so that means an early start to Lent. Lent always begins seven Wednesdays before Easter, [...]

January 2024

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