5G: Gift

MAY 08 / Sunday – Read John 14:15-20 and 25-27 Overview: Moms give their children many things, but the greatest gift [...]

5G: Gift2022-05-08T09:46:14-05:00

5G: Grow

MAY 01 / Sunday – Read 2 Peter 3:18 / 2 Corinthians 3:18 Overview: Being a Christian is less about knowing [...]

5G: Grow2022-05-01T11:04:01-05:00

5G: God

APR 24 / Sunday – Read John 20:24-31 Overview: As we understand Jesus we understand God, for Jesus is God. 25 [...]

5G: God2022-04-24T10:36:29-05:00

More Than Good Enough

APR 17 / Sunday – Read John 20:1-18 / 1 Corinthians 15:3-57 Overview: God doesn’t settle for good enough. God gives [...]

More Than Good Enough2022-04-17T09:47:16-05:00

The Cost of Caring

APR 10 / Sunday – Read Matt. 26-27 / Mark 14-15 / Luke 19 / John 3, 12, 19 Overview: Jesus brings [...]

The Cost of Caring2022-04-10T09:50:22-05:00

Consider The Sparrows

APR 03 / Sunday – Read Read Matt 10:28-31/ Luke 12:6-7 / Matt 6:25-27 Overview: When we seek to eliminate our worries [...]

Consider The Sparrows2022-04-03T09:41:45-05:00

Let’s Be Honest

MAR 27 / Sunday – Read Ps 145:18 / Heb 4:13 / Lam 5:20-22 / Ps 22 / Lk 18:9-14 Overview: We [...]

Let’s Be Honest2022-03-27T09:56:06-05:00

A Leper Sermon

MAR 20 / Sunday – Read 2 Cor 11:21-28 / Lev 13:45-46 / Matt 5:1-12 / 2 Kings 5:1-15 21 / [...]

A Leper Sermon2022-03-20T09:29:17-05:00

A Good Enough Lent

MAR 06 / Sunday – Read Romans 3:23 / Matthew 5:48 / Exodus 32 Overview: Ending the day focusing on God [...]

A Good Enough Lent2022-03-06T09:31:20-06:00
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