The Day He Wept

SEP 11  / Sunday – Read John 11:1-44 / Romans 12:15 Overview: In our tragedies Jesus cries with us. Feels our [...]

The Day He Wept2022-09-11T09:35:59-05:00

You’ve Got Mail

SEP 4  / Sunday – Read 3 John 1:1-15 Overview: The shortest book in the Bible is really just a short letter…not [...]

You’ve Got Mail2022-09-04T09:32:49-05:00

He Said What?

AUG 28 / Sunday – Read 1 Peter 5:5 Overview: Peter wrote some things in the bible that are shocking to [...]

He Said What?2022-08-28T10:26:17-05:00

Like Sheep

AUG 21 / Sunday – Read 1 Pet 2:23-25 / Matt 18:12-14 / Ps 23 / John 10:1-18 Overview: Sheep are [...]

Like Sheep2022-08-21T20:28:41-05:00

Pet Rocks

AUG 14 / Sunday – Read 1 Peter 2:4-7 / Matthew 7:24-27 / 1 Peter 2:9-10 Overview: A life built on [...]

Pet Rocks2022-08-14T09:38:06-05:00

Got Milk?

AUG 07 / Sunday – Read 1 Peter 2:1-3 / 1 Peter 1:15-16 Overview: Remember the “got milk?” ad campaign? Well, [...]

Got Milk?2022-08-07T12:20:55-05:00
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