Trivia Answer Jesus

DEC 04  / Sunday | "Which Jesus?" Message Series – Read Read Isaiah 7:14 Overview: This week's Advent message imitates the Jeopardy game [...]

Trivia Answer Jesus2022-12-04T09:31:00-06:00

White Elephant Jesus

NOV 27  / Sunday | "Which Jesus?" Message Series – Read Luke 1:26-38 and 46-55 / Matthew 1:18-25 Overview: Jesus is a priceless [...]

White Elephant Jesus2022-11-27T08:19:58-06:00

Before Winter: How?

NOV 20  / Sunday – Read 2 Timothy 4:9-22 Overview: God stands by our side, gives us strength, and rescues us from [...]

Before Winter: How?2022-11-20T09:05:38-06:00

Before Winter: What?

NOV 13  / Sunday – Read 2 Timothy 4:9-13Overview: Besides a snow shovel and warm clothes, what do we need physically—and what [...]

Before Winter: What?2022-11-13T10:56:28-06:00

Before Winter: Who?

NOV 06  / Sunday – Read 2 Timothy 4:9-11 Overview: Jesus says the widow who gave two “pennies” (mites) gave more [...]

Before Winter: Who?2022-11-03T11:00:57-05:00

Pray How?

OCT 23  / Sunday – Read Rom 12:12 / 1 Thess 5:16-18 (especially v 17) 24 / Mon – For wisdom [...]

Pray How?2022-10-23T10:19:51-05:00

The Day He Took My Lunch

OCT 9  / Sunday – Read  John 6:1-14 Overview: Jesus takes a boy’s simple lunch of fish and bread and turns it [...]

The Day He Took My Lunch2022-10-09T09:35:25-05:00
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