Unidos en Cristo

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Unidos en Cristo (UeC), or “United in Christ,” is a weekend retreat for people seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ.

More than 5,000 people from a variety of churches have attended a Unidos weekend. The experience begins with a structured three-day weekend in an atmosphere of friendship and joy.

At an Unidos weekend, you’ll learn:

  • to discover yourself and your own worth on a more fundamental level,
  • to experience the presence and love of Jesus Christ, and
  • to become aware of what a loving and caring Christian community can bring to the world.

This is the first Co-Ed UeC weekend. Although this is not designed as a couple’s weekend (men and women meet separately in their respective gender group), both individuals & couples are invited to attend. If anyone is interested in getting more information and/or sponsoring an individual or couple, please contact Sue Ganzer or the church office (651-437-4398) for more information.

Learn more about Unidos en Cristo.

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