
SEP 10  / Sunday – Read Romans 15:4 Overview: A goose teaches us how wisdom comes from reading, i.e., a bible [...]


GPS-Don’t Poke the Bear

SEP 03  / Sunday – Read 2 Kings 2:23-25 Overview: Here’s a grizzly story where we learn adults can be bullies, [...]

GPS-Don’t Poke the Bear2023-09-03T08:28:05-05:00

GPS-Hog Wild

AUG 27  / Sunday – Read Deuteronomy 14:2-3, 8 / Acts 10:15 Overview: God uses a food lesson to teach a [...]

GPS-Hog Wild2023-08-27T10:47:28-05:00


AUG 20  / Sunday – Read Psalm 50:9-10, 13-15 Overview: While we may be the sheep of God’s flock, we are [...]



AUG 13  / Sunday – Read Colossians 1:13-14 Overview: MN Adult & Teen Challenge Sunday 14 / Mon – Another chance  [...]


Smells Fishy

AUG 06  / Sunday – Read Job 12:8 / Jn 6:5-13 / Jn 21:1-11 / Jonah 1-4 Overview: Ever doubt an [...]

Smells Fishy2023-08-06T14:47:44-05:00

Cat Videos

JUL 30  / Sunday – Read Isaiah 11:1-9 / Isaiah 65:17-25 People really like being entertained by cats doing crazy stuff, [...]

Cat Videos2023-07-30T09:36:53-05:00

Sheep Therapy

JUL 23  / Sunday – Read Psalm 23 Overview: Issues in life? Turns out sheep therapy is just what the doctor [...]

Sheep Therapy2023-07-23T10:20:02-05:00

Talking Donkeys

JUL 16  / Sunday – Read Numbers 22:21-35 Overview: There are two reliable sources referencing donkeys that speak: The Shrek movie [...]

Talking Donkeys2023-07-16T09:40:24-05:00

Invasive Species

JUL 09  / Sunday – Read Joel 1:1-15 and 2:12-13, 28-29 Overview: From emerald ash borers to Asian carp, there are [...]

Invasive Species2023-07-09T11:43:16-05:00
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