Greetings! In rezKIDS this May, the series has been The Messengers. Each Sunday, the kids have been hearing a Bible story about God’s messengers – people like Peter and Paul and many others. Our memory verse for the month, Isaiah 6:8, is fitting for this series: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Truly, we’re all called to be messengers for God. The people of this faith community have always been a congregation of “doers.” In our foyer, the God Could Use Someone Like You display is an opportunity to live that out. Our newest group, rezHELPS, often brings us out into the community to help our neighbors. Whether it’s lawn work, moving furniture, or providing rides…this group rises to the occasion, helping where and when they are able, love of God and neighbor in action. For some of us, sharing the Gospel with words may be very difficult; however, sharing the Gospel through acts of love and kindness is something all of us are able to do – even the kids!

Summer has arrived, albeit unofficially, but with the added time spent outside, look for those opportunities to be a blessing to others. It could be something as simple as holding a door, offering a smile, or just an encouraging word. These are things all of us can do – and in so doing, we are modeling that for those around us, whether they’re our kids, grandkids, or strangers. Kindness is one of those things that is often contagious, the spark that lights the fire. There are many websites that list random acts of kindness, but here a few ideas to get you started – maybe even today!

  • Buy coffee/food for the person behind you in line.
  • Put a note of kindness/encouragement on someone’s parked car
  • Return someone’s shopping cart
  • Send a positive text message to someone just because
  • Leave a gas card at a gas pump
  • A note of encouragement in jean pockets at a department store
  • Donate old blankets to an animal shelter
  • Bring homemade treats to a neighbor that may be lonely

Now it’s your turn! We are all ministers, and ministry is all about relationships. Head on out and be the messengers that God has created us to be! 

May you enjoy all of God’s abundant blessings this week!

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Julie