We made it! We have been up north, fishing on Leech Lake near Walker, and we’re having a great time laughing, eating, resting, eating, fishing…and eating – something about that northern air gives a person such an appetite! The grandkids are lovin’ life, we’re all reconnecting with something we love to do.
And something very exciting is happening tonight – but I can’t tell you what it is yet 😁.
I loved being up north with my kids when they were little but vacationing with them as adults is wonderful too. It’s interesting, each stage brings new discoveries and experiences – and new joys. There are times of grief when a certain season of life comes to an end, but if we’re patient and trust God, there is a new season full of new joy. We want to make sure we don’t live in the past – remember it, learn from it, share it with others – but don’t live there…we don’t want to miss what God has for us in the present.
At Resurrection, we’re coming into a new season as well. We are gearing up for our fall kick-off events – things like Blessing the Kids and their Backpacks, MOPS, rezYOUTH and Wednesday night meals – and SO MANY other things. We would LOVE for you to participate in any of these events, and if you’re feeling God’s tap, there are seemingly ENDLESS ways you can help, too. The need for volunteers is great – and so are the rewards! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to chat about how God can use YOU.
Have a great week – hope to see you on Sunday!
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Julie
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. – Ecclesiastes 3:11a
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. – Galatians 6:9