I am one of 6 kids, and have always loved my bigger family. I had often imagined of someday having a large family of my own – with at least 5 kids…and I hoped for as many as 10! Things didn’t work out that way, though. I felt like I got a late start, having my first child at age 31, with two more to follow at ages 33 and 35. And then I was done.

Years later, I was sitting in my office at church looking at the bulletin boards full of photos I had received from children that have been a part of the ministries here at Resurrection. At that moment it occurred to me – I had hundreds of kids! They had shared their lives with me over the years – their anguish, joy, and so many other details! I have laughed and cried with them, watched them head off to college, find that special someone and get married… I’ve loved and prayed for these kids as though they were my own. I also now have daughters- and sons-in-law, in addition to a blended marriage which has brought more “children” into my life, plus two (almost three ☺) grandkids.

God answered my prayer for a large family – just not in the way I had expected!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and whether you have biological kids, stepkids, adopted kids, or no kids, this holiday is for every woman. We are uniquely gifted to nurture and care for others, expressing mother-like qualities to those in our life.

We are all made in the image of God, and while we often refer to God with male pronouns, God is not human – God is Spirit (John 4:24). However, God has both feminine and masculine attributes, and we see examples of each throughout the Bible. We not only read that God is a loving Father, but we also read that God is like “a mother comforting her child” (Isaiah 66:13).

In whatever way you celebrate Mother’s Day, remember that if you have nurtured, comforted, and loved others, then you have loved with a mother’s love – an attribute beautifully modeled by our perfect God, who uniquely created you in His image.

I hope you’ll join us at church for Mother’s Day. There will be delicious cookies for all to enjoy, as well as veggie & flower plants for sale if you’re planting a garden this year. Happy Mother’s Day!

Peace & Love in Christ,

Pastor Julie