Last Sunday we had a couple visit for worship. They live near Fargo but were in the area enjoying the bike trails around Hastings. Wanting to find a place to worship on Sunday, they turned to the internet to do a little research (as many people do these days). On our website they found us in the middle of an intriguing sermon series – 5G. They watched the previous week’s message and decided that Resurrection was the church they wanted to go to.
That Sunday they were greeted warmly, were inspired by the service, and told me afterwards that they would be worshipping with us online this Sunday. Their experience from website to worship had blessed them and they were so grateful they found us. These kinds of things happen all the time. God uses REZ church to bless someone’s life–but how often do we think about our impact?
Sure, when our giving to Be The Hope on Easter Sunday raised $14,000 for missions we might have thought about the impact of that special offering; but we have an impact through our regular giving as well. Your generosity allowed John to keep our website current, Craig to play those worship songs, Julie to pray, me to preach, communion to be served, the tech team to work the sound and stream the worship to the world. Not only that, your giving provided lights and heat, a nursery for the children, curriculum for the rezKIDS, coffee and treats that make the church so welcoming, and even the ability to send out this letter.
The blessing of one couple may not seem like much; yet their story is repeated in multiple ways each week. Resurrection is truly blessing the Hastings community and the world with the knowledge and love of Jesus. The work of the Holy Spirit and your giving is what makes it possible. Thanks!
Pastor Mark
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. – 2 Corinthians 9:11