A safe place for students to find fun, acceptance and love.

Oasis (grades 6-12)
Students meet together on Wednesdays to experience the benefits of community centered around God. It starts with a free dinner at 6p followed at 6:30p with a few fun, high-energy games, then a short, relevant message given by one of the leaders. Afterward, students break into small groups to discuss the message more in-depth.
Wednesdays, 6-8p (thru school year)
Summer & Winter Events
Summer Sizzler and Winter Chill Retreat allow a student to experience the love of Christ through many different programs and activities. Students (grades 7-12) will experience a morning and evening formal gathering that will include worship music, mixers, messages, videos, and small group time within their cabin groups. Both are events they’ll never forget!
There are different daily events at each and may include: team building activities, prayer time, big group games, swimming/snow-tubing, canoeing, crafts, service projects and many more! The fun factor is off the charts.
Confirmation (grade 7-12)
Faith is something that is more “caught than taught”, so we designed the focus of our confirmation program around student participation in a variety of interactive Christian experiences and discussion follow-ups throughout the year. Students also participate in a confirmation preparation retreat to reflect further on what they learned through the confirmation experiences, plus explore what it means to be confirmed and live as a part of Christ’s family. Finally, each student prepares a faith statement to be used at their Confirmation Sunday, where they’re received as a professing member of Resurrection Church. (program details)