JUL 23  / Sunday – Read Psalm 23

Overview: Issues in life? Turns out sheep therapy is just what the doctor ordered. It’s even covered under one convenient assurance plan.

24 / Mon – Sheep therapy  |  Read Ps 23:1 / Ps 34:9-10

Have you ever felt sheepish or heard someone called a black sheep? Being labeled like that is not usually a compliment, but sheep do have interesting characteristics. Their peripheral vision can be as much as 310 degrees. They have sharp hearing and an excellent sense of smell. Cuddling a little lamb can reduce stress. On the other hand, sheep are timid. Their primary defense against danger is to run away. They need a shepherd. What insights do you get from these verses?

25 / Tue – What shepherds do  |  Read Psalm 23:2-3 / Is 40:9-11

What four things are listed here that a shepherd does for his sheep? Why is it important for them to rest? Has the Lord ever made you ‘lie down’ when you didn’t want to? Why do sheep need to drink from quiet waters, instead of beautiful rushing streams? What good things might weigh you down when you get in too deep? What refreshes your soul? And what are some of the ‘right’ paths He has guided you into? How have these experiences shown that His ways are better than yours?

26 / Wed – A trusted voice in dark times  |  Read Psalm 23: 4 / Ps 56:3

Sheep shy away from dark spaces, even when there is good pasture on the other side. As fearful animals, they need to be led where they often don’t want to go. They will follow their shepherd when he goes before them because they have learned to know his voice and trust him. How has the Lord led you through dark days? Consider the rod, a heavy short stick to ward off predators, as a symbol of God’s strength and protection. The crook of the staff guides and rescues lost sheep, a reminder of His ability to keep you. How might these images comfort you in fearful times?

27 / Thu – Food, enemies and oil  |  Read Psalm 23:5

When someone prepared food and set the table in biblical times, the host often began the meal by anointing the guest’s head with scented oil to show that person’s importance. When the Lord sets a table for you in front of your enemy, He is showing how valued you are in His eyes. Oil is also what the shepherd pours on his sheep’s wounds. If you are sitting in the presence of your enemies, you probably have wounds to show for it. Do you understand what these things mean for you? If you fully grasp these truths, your cup will overflow and it can impact all around you. Even enemies.

28 / Fri – Being where He is  |  Read Psalm 23:6

Where is there a better place to be than in the presence of the Lord? How often do you stop In the busyness of life, set aside all the responsibilities and distractions that clamor for your attention and just listen? The Lord is with you always and you can speak to Him at any time, but when you take a few minutes each day to sit with Him, His goodness and mercy and unfailing love will fill you up and refresh your soul. Will you stop and do that right now? Let it become your new habit.

29 / Sat – Why you get to be with Him  |  Read John 1:29 / John 10:11 / Rev 7:17

Ps 23:6 says He is with us now and later we will dwell in His house forever. That is only possible because Jesus is not just our Good Shepherd but He is also the Lamb of God. His literal sacrifice on the cross paid the price for your access into the presence of the Lord. His death saves lost sheep. Someday, Jesus will be known as both the Lamb and the Shepherd. But be assured today that He knows your name and is caring for you right now. Will you follow His lead today?


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.