My children are all in their 20’s now, but I remember how excited they used to get as Rivertown Days was approaching. The rides, the food, the arts & crafts booths, watching dogs jump into a giant pool to grab a dummy and boats race back and forth on the Mississippi River – so much fun! 

And then there’s the carnival games! Oh, how I dreaded the games…the lure of winning something wonderful to bring home was more than they could bear. I can’t tell you how many inflatable guitars, noise makers, beads, and other “wonders” came home with us each year! On Saturday night we’d gather for the fireworks display, meeting up with friends while waiting for the big show. And of course, Sunday brought the parade – and one last bag of mini donuts 😉.

Then, just like that, it was over. An underlying feeling of panic mixed with dread would set in…knowing summer is almost over, so much still to do, and so sad knowing they’d be back in school again very soon.

In a state like Minnesota, it can be difficult to say good-bye to summer and all that entails. But as I write this on July 7th, I realize we are truly only halfway through summer – so rather than spending the time mourning the end of this warm weather season, I am choosing to embrace the remaining months, as I hope for a warmer-than-usual autumn 😅. So don’t despair – get out there and enjoy what’s left of this glorious season with which God has so generously blessed us! 

And if you’re out and about during Rivertown Days, remember to be kind and patient with those around you, as we are God’s Ambassadors out in the world, the body of Christ. 

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Ephesians 4:2

Pastor Mark is back in the pulpit on July 17th ☺️.

Pastor Julie