The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 NIV

A couple in the church came back from an Alaskan vacation with a bag of Resurrection Blend coffee. The bag says it is “The Chosen One” and a “blend of some of the most blessed beans in all creation.” On their website they play off of John’s introduction of Jesus. It says, “From the book of Joe we read, “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was COFFEE…”. It’s a cute marketing campaign. I wonder how many customers bought a bag of Resurrection coffee just for the name?

Perhaps we should offer Resurrection Blend coffee in our coffee shop at Resurrection church. Cindy and her crew brew wonderful coffee each Sunday, and if these beans are truly the most blessed in all creation, then wouldn’t we want to provide the very best? Of course we do, but more than coffee we want to truly provide the very best – an encounter with Jesus. Each Sunday people can get a great cup of coffee at Resurrection, but it’s even greater if they have an experience of the real WORD. Because the read WORD is not coffee. It’s Jesus.

I enjoy a good cup of coffee, and I’m glad we have it in our coffee shop. It’s a part of the hospitality we want to show at Resurrection. But if people don’t experience Jesus here, then our best hospitality is for nothing. Because we exist for people to meet and learn to follow Jesus. Nothing else is as important. Not even coffee.

Have a great week.

Pastor Mark