AUG 13 / Sunday – Read Colossians 1:13-14
Overview: MN Adult & Teen Challenge Sunday
14 / Mon – Another chance | Read Luke 15:11-24 / Jeremiah 29:11
If anyone needed a second chance, it was this young man. Have you ever found yourself in his shoes? Or maybe his pigpen? See how it happened. First, he came to his senses, recognizing his condition. Then he made a resolve and followed through. He went back to his father, taking full responsibility for his wrong choices. He humbled himself, not demanding or even expecting but asking. This is what it takes for all of us. Do you need a do-over? If you follow this son’s example, your heavenly Father will respond as his father did. What’s your first step?
15 / Tue – Beyond repair | Read Ezekiel 37:1-14
Life can deteriorate to the point where it seems you’ll never recover. After many years of taking advantage of God’s blessings while dishonoring Him with their choices, God’s people had been conquered and taken from their homeland. They lost all hope of restoration. Then God gave Ezekiel a striking vision of the depth of God’s love and His limitless ability to restore life. Imagine the hope this gave God’s people as they turned back to Him in repentance. Do you feel like a dry skeleton sometimes? Ask the Lord to pour new life into your soul as you turn back to Him.
16 / Wed – An important question | Read John 5:1-9a
Jesus healed everyone who came asking. This man couldn’t walk so Jesus went to him. What did Jesus ask the man in v 6? Here is what Jesus might ask us today: do you want to be healed from your insecurities, shame, emotional pain, addictions or (fill in the blank)? It is a valid question. There are times when it’s easier to live as a victim. How badly do you want to be healthy? Good news: getting better is possible, and you don’t have to do it alone.
17 / Thu – Getting past your past | Read John 8:32
Start by honestly admitting who you are, discovering the kind of person God is, and learning what He thinks about you. It can be quite different than the way you view yourself. Which of these do you have the most difficulty with? Once you see the truth more clearly, you will begin to experience new freedom that no one can take away. Jesus promised the truth would set you free, but notice v 31. What is the prerequisite for knowing the truth? Why is it so important to start here?
18 / Fri – Brain work | Read 2 Corinthians 10:5
Has your mind been running away with you lately? Do you realize how important it is to critique your own thoughts? Life change is difficult but it starts with how you think. If you allow the thoughts in your head to go unchallenged, you will be defeated before you start. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop the habit of regularly monitoring your thoughts. Measure them against the truth in God’s word. Capture any lies or half-truths. Replace them with scripture when they try to come back. Will you start doing this right now? Don’t put it off.
19 / Sat – You can do it | Read Rev 12:10-11 / 2 Cor 5:17
Your enemy wants to destroy you in every way possible but you can overcome him. He is defeated by the words of your testimony. What is a testimony? It is saying aloud what you believe and know to be true. Say it to yourself, to the devil, to anyone who will listen. God says you’re a new creation in Christ, that the old has passed away. Speak the truth, live out of that truth, allow yourself to be challenged by trustworthy and godly friends, and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you. He will!
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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