The Sunday after Thanksgiving is usually the first Sunday in Advent. However, due to a quirk in the calendar, this year Advent doesn’t begin until a week later. Since Thanksgiving is always the 4th Thursday in November, the number of Sundays before Christmas can change from year to year. This year there are five, so Advent doesn’t officially start until December 3. Another quirk this year is that the 4th Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve. 

So how does this impact your church? Well for starters, we are ignoring the calendar and beginning our four-week Advent message series a week early, on November 26. Then on December 24, we will not have morning services, but instead focus on the Christmas Eve services later that day at 4:30p and 7:00p.

I know it’s all rather confusing, but rest assured we will have fantastic worship opportunities from now through the end of the year. So God bless you this week and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Pastor Mark

I thank my God always for you, because of God’s grace that was given to you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Corinthians 1:4