My car has a dozen or so radio presets, but I only need three – WCCO for the Twins and the Timberwolves, KFAN for the Vikings and Wild, and KTIS for Christian music. While the first two are commercial stations, KTIS is listener supported. That means it gets its funding from donors. And that means periodically interrupting normal programming to do fund drives. As much as I dislike the various asks for pledges and matching gifts, I know that they are necessary for the music ministry of that station. I have even volunteered to work the phone banks a time or two.

Resurrection Church is no different from KTIS. The ministries of Resurrection are supported solely by the giving of people like you. And that means from time to time we need to invite pledges and encourage generosity. It will soon be that time again. We don’t offer mugs or tote bags for making a pledge, nor do we have rich donors who will match your gift. We simply provide an opportunity to give to the Lord, bless our community, and continue the powerful ministries of Resurrection Church. Thank you for your generosity.

God bless your week,

Pastor Mark