Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey.Psalm 119:105  CEB

Recently, I was in Texas for a wedding. In the hotel lobby I overheard two people talking about how navigation has changed. “Do you remember when we had to use a big map book to find our way?” said one. They both laughed, happy that they no longer needed a book to get where they wanted to go.

That evening the wedding was at a venue so remote that there was no cell service. When Tami’s parents tried to get back to the hotel, they made a wrong turn and got lost. Their phone didn’t work so they couldn’t ask it for directions or call anyone for help. When they didn’t show up at the hotel on time, we were worried sick. Fortunately, they ended up going in a big circle and wound up back at the venue, eventually making their way back to the hotel. If only they had been looking at a map book, they wouldn’t have gotten lost. Technology is nice when it works, but sometimes the old ways are better.

People laugh at Christians for still using an old book to find their way. But the bible never fails. It guides us, whether we have cell service or not. It helps us find our way back when we are lost and keeps us from getting lost in the first place. Yes, you can download the bible onto your phone…but it’s still that old book.  

I am thankful that Tami’s parents found their way back that night. I am also thankful for the bible that guides our way through life. I would be going around in circles without it.

Blessings on your journeys this week.

Pastor Mark