One of the things I love about fishing in the ocean is that I’m always encountering something new…

“What is that?”I asked the fisherman next to me.
“That’s a  loserfish,” he replied in his deep southern drawl.
“I didn’t know there was a loser fish,” I told him.
“Not LOSER-fish,” he corrected me, “LIZARD-fish”.
I suppose lizardfish have always been there, but I have never seen one caught before. I quickly got on my phone and looked up “lizardfish” to learn all about them. (FYI they are edible, but boney…which explains why people were throwing them back.)

Reading the bible is a bit like fishing in the ocean. There are stories that you encounter all the time – creation, Noah’s ark, Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. But then there are the stories that surprise you. Where did that come from? Has that always been there? There is always something new to learn from the bible. 

Each Sunday this summer we are going to look at bible stories of God’s amazing creatures – dogs and cats, birds and bugs, frogs and hogs…and, yes, fish, too. While these animals might be more familiar to you than lizardfish, you may never have noticed what the bible has to teach us through their stories. So join us in worship this summer for our “Going Wild” message series and discover something new about God through the stories of his creatures each week.

Blessings to you,
Pastor Mark

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”  – Revelation 5:13