“In the bulb there is a flower. In the seed an apple tree… In the cold and snow of winter, there’s a spring that waits to be. Unrevealed until its season. Something God alone can see.” – Hymn of Promise
Congratulations! You have made it past the midpoint of winter. From now on the average daily temperature will continue to rise until the end of July. You may see only “the cold and snow of winter” but new life is on the way. I was reminded of that when my seed order arrived in the mail this week. The seeds are so tiny and light. An entire summer garden can fit in the palm of my hand. But by the end of summer those seeds will fill the freezer with veggies and the house with flowers. It truly is amazing.
God works in a similar way in our lives. What may seem small or inconsequential—even dead—God uses to work miracles in our lives. And when we may feel as ugly as an old tulip bulb or as worthless as an apple seed, God sees the beauty and value within. And because of that, God could use someone like you to accomplish his purposes. That’s a promise.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for (God) who promised is faithful. – Hebrews 10:23
Pastor Mark