Last week my wife, Tami, had knee replacement surgery. It’s amazing that we live in a time when worn-out body parts can be replaced. In a few months she’ll be good as new. But in the meantime, there is lots of pain, therapy, and relying on others to help out. While I am acting as her primary caregiver, we have had help from many of you. You have prayed for us, sent cards, delivered food, or simply asked how Tami is doing. It has all been appreciated.

In the bible there are no stories of knee replacements, but there is a story of a person who was paralyzed and couldn’t walk (Mark 2). Four of his friends carried him to Jesus on a mat. The large crowds surrounding the house where Jesus was speaking made it impossible to get near him, so the friends pulled him up on the roof and let him down through a hole in the ceiling. Jesus was impressed by the faith of these four friends, and he healed that man.

This story shows the great power of Jesus, but it also shows the value of great friends. Without the care of his friends, this man would not have made it to Jesus. In fact, Mark goes out of his way to say that he was not healed because he had great faith, but because his friends did. (Mark 2:5 “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man…”). 

Thank you to all of you who are great friends to those who are hurting. Every time you lift someone in prayer before Jesus, every time you help carry someone’s load, every time you speak a word of concern or send a note of care, you are paving the way for miracles. Thank you for being a friend. 

Blessings to all,

Pastor Mark

Reminder: There’s a Hastings area Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service being held at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon, November 19th, at 3:30p. I’ve been invited to deliver the message at this service and look forward to worshiping there with our extended faith community. Hope you’ll join me.