MAY 19  / Sunday – Read Acts 1:8

Overview: What kind of power do you need today…emotional, physical, spiritual? You can find it in the Holy Spirit. Another benefit of the resurrected Jesus.

20 / Mon – Power  |  Read Acts 1:8 / John 3:16-17

The word power comes from the Latin word posse which means to be able. It can be defined as the ability or the right or the authority to do something. What did Jesus say his followers would be able to do when the Holy Spirit came upon them? Where in your life do you need power to do the work God asks you to do? It might be something as ‘ordinary’ as completing a big project at work or praying your kids through a difficult season or giving encouragement to a discouraged friend. These are just some ways you can be a witness of God’s amazing love for every single person on earth.

21 / Tue – Are you ready and waiting?  |  Read Acts 2:4-12 / Acts 40-41

These verses fulfill Jesus’ promise made before he was crucified and after he was resurrected. What preceded the events in Acts 2 (see Acts 1:12-14)? Are there things you can do to prepare for the Holy Spirit to come upon you in a fresh new way? How did Jesus’ followers respond when the Holy Spirit came upon them? What was the result of the people who heard them speaking? How did it change their lives? The Holy Spirit can speak through you in life-changing ways if you allow it.

22 / Wed – Everyday life  |  Read Acts 3:1-13 esp v12 / Acts 4:5 -13

This was not a planned event. Peter and John were doing everyday life. Because they were full of the Holy Spirit, they simply responded the way Jesus would have in the same situation. Often it’s the actions you take that elicit ‘why’ questions from people watching and open up conversations about God’s plan to save everyone who will come to him. Have you experienced anything similar? If not, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and then use you as a witness to what you know.

23 / Thu – Perseverance  |  Read Acts 4:23-33a

You might be surprised if someone becomes upset about the good things you are doing. Are you prepared for that or does it take you by surprise? When you face persecution for the God-directed actions you take, are you tempted to back off? How did these followers of Jesus respond when they heard Peter and John’s report? Did anything in particular stand out as you read their prayer? How might their words apply to your own situation and express your desire going forward?

24 / Fri – When words and actions match  |  Read Acts 6:1-15 / Acts 7:54-60

Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit. He was faithful. His bold words, prompted by the Holy Spirit, convicted his hearers. How did they respond? What was Stephen’s reaction? See how the power of the Holy Spirit kept him strong until the very end? Notice who was standing nearby. You probably know the rest of Saul’s (Paul’s) story and his impact on the world. God can use your words of faith to impact others long after you are gone. Are you willing to speak as He prompts you?

25 / Sat – Truth  |  Read 2 Cor 12:9 / Eph 1:19-21 / Eph 3:20-21

Everyone has had or will have times when life knocks them down and they don’t think they have the strength to get back up. This encouragement comes from a man who experienced more than most. When you find yourself in a difficult season – or maybe you are there right now – will you call on the name of the Lord? Will you ask the Holy Spirit to give you the power to get up again? God can do so much more with a person who admits their weakness and asks for help.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.