JAN 05 / Sunday – Read Matthew 2:1-12

Overview: After visiting the baby Jesus, the wise men were warned to go home by another way…a new road trip. Now that we’ve taken the journey to Christmas, do we follow our same old pathways or listen to God for some new routes?

06 / Mon – Persia  |  Read Matthew 2:1-2 / Jeremiah 29:13

The Magi had the longest trip to Christmas. They came to Bethlehem from the east, most likely Persia (modern-day Iran), a trip of over 1,000 miles. What guided their long journey? When the Magi arrived, they went to the palace, probably expecting to see the King of the Jews, Herod’s newborn son, but the One they were seeking was not there. Have you experienced this truth that…what you seek is not always found where you expect it to be? Don’t let detours derail your search to find the Lord in every area of your life.

07 / Tue – Life-giving words  |  Read Matthew 2:3-8 / Micah 5:2

Herod was an Idumaean. His ancestors had converted to Judaism and he was raised as a Jew, yet he seemed unfamiliar with the Jewish scriptures. It is possible that his lack of knowledge affected the way he lived and ruled. Would he have been a different person if he had followed Ps 119:11 and made God’s word the guide for his life? How are you doing in this area? When you struggle to be consistent, ask the Lord for help. He has provided this dynamic resource to help you grow.

08 / Wed – Looking around  |  Read Matthew 2:9-10 / Psalm 121:1-2

The Magi had stopped at the wrong address in their search for Jesus. But as soon as they left the city, the guiding star reappeared and led them to the Messiah. Notice their response when they see the star again. Are you going through a confusing time? Life can be full of those moments. When they come, will you do as these wise men did when they needed direction? They looked up. That is where your help comes from, as well.

09 / Thu – Costly but precious gifts  |  Read Matthew 2:11

Not only did the Magi bow and worship Jesus, they also brought gifts. Gold fit for a king (Jesus, the King of Kings), frankincense for worship (Jesus, our High Priest), and myrrh used in burials (Jesus, our Substitute in death). Today, we can present our gifts to Jesus. What skills or talents have you been blessed with? How could they be used to grow and expand God’s kingdom? If you don’t know the answer, ask the Holy Spirit to show you. If you are willing, He can use you for His glory.

10 / Fri – There and back again  |  Read Matthew 2:12 / Isaiah 30:21

Because God knows everything about everything, He planned and directed every part of this story. Even for these strangers from another country. Just as God led the Magi to Bethlehem, so He took them home by a different route. We don’t know what happened on the return trip but we know they obeyed God’s instructions. Were they changed by what they had seen and heard? Did they take the good news back to their countrymen? Someday we’ll find out. But for now, will you trust Him to guide your journey?

11 / Sat – The end…but not really  |  Read 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

This is the end of our journey to Christmas but it is also the beginning of the most amazing, heartbreaking, soul-filling, and life-changing story you will ever hear. The eyewitness accounts of those who followed Jesus take you from his baptism and temptation through his astonishing miracles and eye-opening teachings, and then to his death on the cross as King of the Jews, followed by his burial and resurrection. Now you are a part of the story. What do you want your chapter to look like? What will you be known for?

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.