DEC 15 / Sunday – Read Luke 1:39-45, 57-80 and 3:1-6 / Matt 24:36-44

Overview: God is on the move as joy breaks in at a place not mentioned in the Bible to accompany our long, wayward journey to Christmas and the birth of Jesus.

16 / Mon – Third stop: Ein Karem  |  Read Luke 1:23-24 and 39-45

Ein Karen is a small town a few miles from Jerusalem where Zechariah and Elizabeth lived. Read what happened when Mary came to visit. This is where longing and waiting turned into expectancy. It happens every time a promise is made and you trust the promise maker. What promise(s) are you holding on to? Are you still in the longing and waiting season? Or have you seen signs that God is on the move? Even if you don’t see anything yet, Elizabeth’s blessing in v45 still applies to you.

17 / Tue – Expectancy  |  Read Luke 1:18 and 23-25

Expectation brings joy. Sometimes God promises extravagant things. So much so, it can be difficult to believe them. Remember Zechariah in the temple? No one likes to be disappointed so we may be slow to believe what God says, at first, but it does not keep God from moving ahead with His plan. Can you imagine Zechariah and Elizabeth’s growing expectation as they saw signs that God was at work? Will you ask the Lord to help you grow in anticipation of what He is doing?

18 / Wed – Evidence  |  Read Luke 1:13-17, 57-64 and 76-79

Mary was still with Zechariah and Elizabeth when their baby was born. She witnessed the surprise of his name and heard Zechariah regaining his voice. His words echoed the angel’s prophecy that baby John’s purpose was to prepare the way for the Messiah. How these words must have thrilled Mary as she saw God’s plan unfolding before her. What about this part of God’s story stands out to you? What sparks thoughts about God’s plan for you?

19 / Thu – Anticipation  |  Read Job 3:25-26 / Habakkuk 3:17-19

While good expectations can bring joy, anticipating something bad can bring fear. Job was one of the most blessed characters in the Bible, yet somehow he expected bad things. The results? No peace, no quietness or rest, only turmoil. Compare this to Habakkuk. God had revealed a coming invasion. The prophet knew it meant he might lose his every source of security (v 17) yet read his response in v 18. What is the source of your joy when difficulties loom on the horizon?

20 / Fri – Joy even if…  |  Read John 16:5-6 and 22

In this season, we sing “Joy to the World” but you may be one of those for whom this is a difficult time. Maybe finances won’t allow you to bless your family with gifts as you hoped you could. Or even worse, someone is missing from your family circle who was there last year. On the eve of his arrest, Jesus told his disciples that no one could steal their joy. What were his confident words based on in v22? Does this apply to you? Someone else needs to hear it too; will you share?

21 / Sat – His can be yours   |  Read Isaiah 43:1-3 / John 15:11

Our world is in turmoil, just as it was when Jesus first came to bring truth and hope. Sometimes life is full of wonderful blessings – count them. At other times, you may struggle to believe better days are ahead. God’s promises are just as true now as they were thousands of years ago. When you are in the middle of a hard time, remember: that God is with you. In those moments, let yourself anticipate His coming. Joy, greater than you have ever known, is ahead. Ask the Lord to give you a glimpse of it even now. He will because you are precious to Him.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.