DEC 29 / Sunday – Read Matthew 2:13-18 / Romans 8:28

Overview: God works for good in all things, but that doesn’t mean that everything is good. The effects of sin and the fallenness of the world remain.

30 / Mon – Road trip to Egypt  |  Read Matthew 2:13-15

First, there was no room in Bethlehem when Mary was ready to give birth. Then Herod sent out a search warrant and ordered baby Jesus to be found and killed. How much more difficult could things get? Again, God was faithful and gave Joseph specific directions on what to do next. As you look back over the past 12 months, where have you seen God provide in difficult times? How did He give you direction when you stopped to ask? Has that increased your faith? Give thanks.

31 / Tue – Looking back  |  Read Psalm 77:11-13 / Isaiah 43:25

It’s the last day of this year. Do you remember how 2024 started? How have things changed? What are some of the blessings from this year? Where have you seen joy? There may be sorrow as you remember some events. Are there things you wish you had done differently? In what ways have you grown in your relationship with Jesus? What new insights have you gained about God’s good heart, His trustworthy character, and His constant presence? Why not take the time to make a list?

JAN 01 / Wed – Looking ahead  |  Read Isaiah 43:15-21

The beginning of a new year can seem like a clean slate, a chance to start over. People often think about what they want to do differently. The most common resolutions have to do with healthier living, which is not a bad thing, but another question to ask yourself is – what kind of person do I want to be this time next year? God’s goal is to make you more like Jesus. Will you take time to let Him speak to you through His word and in prayer? Will you obey and ask for His help when you fail? If you do, then you will be pursuing this year’s most worthy goal.

02 / Thu – God with us  |  Read Deuteronomy 31:8 / Matthew 1:22-23

When Joseph took Mary and her baby to Egypt, it was not where he wanted to go. Home was north; they were going south. Because that is what God said to do. When you are forced into a situation where you don’t want to be, it can cause a variety of emotions. Yours may not be as dire as Joseph and Mary’s but think about this: they had Jesus with them. And so do you. No matter what this new year brings, you have God’s promise: Immanuel. Do you believe it? Let it sink into your soul.

03 / Fri – Choose Him, follow Him   |  Read Psalm 25:4-5 and 32:8-9 / Isaiah 48:17 / Is 30:21

There is one thing you can do every day of this new year: choose Jesus, over everything else. It is this decision that will make the difference. Consult Him in the morning as you plan out your day. Decide ahead of time that you will listen and respond to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Ask for His help when you don’t know what to say or do. And if you mess up, ask forgiveness from Him and those involved. Will you choose to do this? You only have to do it one day at a time. Start today.

04 / Sat – Detours  |  Read Matthew 2:19-23 / Romans 8:28

It was God’s plan that sent Joseph and Mary to Egypt. It was not to be their permanent home, but while they were there, God was at work, both in them and in their homeland. He was keeping them safe and preparing them for what lay ahead. God’s plan was ultimately fulfilled in their lives. At just the right time, He directed them back home, but they were not the same people as when they left. How have detours in life changed you? You can have confidence that no experience will be wasted. Will you let this truth give you peace as you face the future?


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.