JAN 26 / Sunday – Read Matthew 6:7-15 / Philippians 4:6 / Romans 8:26-27

Overview: We often view prayer as an impersonal, cosmic Amazon order –“Give us what we want, when we want it, with free shipping.” But the Lord’s prayer is quite the opposite. It’s a relationship-based talk with God. Big difference.

27 / Mon – From God’s view  |  Read Revelation 5:7-10

If you were asked to describe what prayer is, you could probably answer from your own experience. But what if you were asked to describe what prayer is like from God’s perspective? Read v 8b again slowly. These words show that not only are you precious to Him, but your prayers are as well. They are captured in golden bowls and rise like sweet-smelling incense before Him. How might this affect how you view prayer? And will it change the way you pray?

28 / Tue – For example  |  Read Luke 11:1 / Matthew 6:9-13

Jesus prayed so often and so effectively that his disciples wanted him to teach them. He gave them this example, known as the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus begins by showing them His Father in heaven is their Father too, assures them that His kingdom would come and His will would be done, that they could tell Him their specific needs and trust Him to meet them. How can you personalize this prayer? What other things would you talk to Him about as your heavenly Father?

29 / Wed – Footnotes  |  Read Matthew 6:5-8 / Luke 18:10-14

Before Jesus told his disciples what words to say in Matt 6:9, he gave them examples of how to and how not to pray in v5-8. Did any resonate with you? What did you learn from the two men and their prayers in Luke 18? Have you seen these things happening today? If so, what was your reaction? Since God knows each person’s heart, it is important not to judge, but is there something the Holy Spirit might want to teach you through Jesus’ words?

30 / Thu – Consider this  |  Read Matthew 6:14-15 / Mark 11:25 / Matthew 18:21-35

What serious warning did Jesus give at the end of this teaching on prayer in Matt 6? Is it easy for you to forgive or is it something you find difficult to do? What about times when you have forgiven but the old feelings start to well up again? If resentment rears its ugly head, don’t accommodate it. Remind God, yourself, and the devil, who is stirring up trouble, that forgiveness was granted. The issue is settled. And don’t be discouraged if you have to repeat this more than once. When you are persistent and consistent, by God’s grace, those feelings will fade.

31 / Fri – Different kinds of prayers  |  Read Ephesians 6:18 / 1 Timothy 2:1-4

The Lord’s Prayer is one example but there are many different kinds. The Bible is full of prayers from people who were grateful for their blessings. They asked for forgiveness, restoration, help in impossible situations, healing, protection, and for needs of all kinds. But you’ll notice that many begin by worshipping God for who He is, for His goodness, mercy, and unconditional love. When you pray, will you first look up? It shrinks your worries to their proper size and will increase your faith. It’s not just what you say but it is to Whom you are speaking.

FEB 01 / Sat – A conversation  |  Read John 10:27 / Psalm 105:1-4

Prayer is not a formula but a two-way conversation between those who love each other. It can be as short as a breath prayer like Lord, help or Wow, thanks! or a longer conversation about concerns. Talk to Him as freely as you would a best friend. Celebrate good things, wrestle with knotty issues, and then listen as He speaks to you, through the scriptures or words of a song, with a sense of peace in your spirit or confidence that you are on the right track. Will you pursue this way of praying? It will bless both of you when you do.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: GPS@rezumc.org

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.