FEB 02 / Sunday – Read 7:36-50 / John 8:3-11 / Isaiah 43:18-19

Overview: Mistakes happen. But ever feel like every day seems like a clone of the one before, where you are doomed to repeat the same old mistakes? Here’s some good news: The past doesn’t define us in God’s eyes.

03 / Mon – The good, the bad and the ugly  |  Read Rom 8:1 / Phil 4:7

Everyone has a past and usually it is a mixed bag. What about yours? Do memories pop up, from time to time, of things you said or did that now embarrass you or cause regrets? It is a common occurrence for anyone, with a conscience, who desires to live rightly. It is also one way the devil can inundate your mind with condemnation, if you let him. These verses can be your weapon against those onslaughts. When there’s nothing more you can do, let God’s peace guard your heart.

04 / Tue – But, Lord…  |  Read Ex 3:11, 13 and 4:1, 10, 13 / Jer 29:11

Moses’ past so haunted him that it caused him to argue with God – politely, of course – when God told him to go back to Egypt. Have you ever done this when tasked with something for which you felt your past disqualified you? Everything Moses said was true, but God already knew that. Moses, on the other hand, did not understand that God would give him everything he needed. Please don’t let your past determine your present and future. God has big plans for you.

05 / Wed – A shady past  |  Read Josh 2:1-14 and 6:25 / Heb 11:31 / James 2:25

Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho but when she heard about the God of Israel and saw His mighty works, she believed He was the true God (v11b). It changed her life. Others might have kept their distance because of her past, but her faithfulness persisted. She married Salmon and became the mother of Boaz and the great-great-grandmother of King David. Jesus of Nazareth came from her lineage, according to Matthew 1:5-6. What does her story teach you about God’s regard for those coming to Him from a shameful past?

06 / Thu – A religious superstar  |  Read Philippians 3:4-6

Saul had an impeccable past, one in which he took pride. In his religious fervor, he hunted down and imprisoned many followers of Jesus. But when Jesus himself appeared to him on the road, he saw how wrong he had been and did an immediate about face and became known as Paul. Was his past useless to him? No, he used his extensive knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures to convince many that Jesus was the Messiah. How has God used things from your past to bless others once your heart was in the right place?

07 / Fri – A strict Judge or a loving Father?  |  Read Jn 3:16-17 / Ps 103:10-14 / Is 43:25

There are some who grew up seeing God as a strict judge just waiting for them to sin so He can punish them. A god they fear but can not love. They can’t forget their sins from the past and believe that God doesn’t forget them either. Is this consistent with what these scriptures say? God loves you so much that He focuses on what you can be, not what you have been. If that is difficult for you to believe, ask Him to help you see yourself from His perspective. God is for you, not against you.

08 / Sat – What God sees  |  Read Rom 15:7 / 2 Cor 5:16-17

Is it difficult for you to accept someone who has come to Christ with a bad past? Do you think they are less valued than others who have served the Lord from the cradle? God doesn’t see them that way. Every person who has ever lived was created in God’s image. No matter what has defaced that image, God accepts them just as they are and sets to work to clear away the garbage and make them a new creation. Can you look at others the way He does? Will you be an encourager to them as others have been for you?

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.