MAR 23 / Sunday – Read Matthew 4:19 / John 21:1-11
Overview: The game of Sardines is over when everyone ends up gathered together in the same place. Coincidentally, it mirrors Jesus’ vision for the church: everyone together in the same place.
24 / Mon – Are you a Jesus follower? | Read Matthew 4:18-20
Ever play Sardines? It’s the opposite of Hide/Seek. One person hides and everyone else tries to find them. Then they join that person. As more players find the hiding place, it can be a tight fit, like sardines in a can. Jesus talks a lot about fish. His first disciples were professional fishermen. He invited them to become fishers of people, to find others, and invite them to join his crew. He is asking the same of you. What does that kind of fishing look like today?
25 / Tue – No phishing (fishing) here | Read John 1:35-46
Fishing can mean the act of trying to catch fish or it can be trying to elicit something, such as fishing for a compliment, or even a phishing (fishing) email where a stranger tries to trick you into revealing personal information. Casting a net is how fishing was done in Jesus’ day. Look at the chain of events in this story. There was no baiting, just a challenge – come and see. How well do you know Jesus? What has changed, as a result? Who needs to hear that good news? Pray for opportunities to challenge others to investigate, for themselves, what Jesus is really like.
26 / Wed – Are you prepared? | Read 1 Peter 3:15 / Acts 1:8
In a court of law, a testimony cannot be admitted into evidence if the witness is just speculating about an event. They can only say what they observed or personally experienced. That is what Jesus is looking for today. Has he made a difference in your life? That is your story. Will you condense it into a few sentences that invite questions? When you share it, that is being a witness for Jesus. And what you share can shape how others see him.
27 / Thu – Us and them? | Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 (esp v 20a)
Too many times Christians make distinctions between “us” and “them,” between those who follow Jesus and those who do not. To be clear, trusting Jesus is a conscious decision but it can happen gradually. Everyone is on a continuum, either moving toward or away from God. You are one of his representatives. How you act, speak, smile, and show interest – even in brief encounters – can turn someone toward the Lord. You may be planting seeds the Holy Spirit will nurture. Do you commit to representing Him well? He truly deserves that from those who love Him.
28 / Fri – Then and now | Read John 21:1-14
This familiar story took place after the resurrection. Some disciples decided to go fishing. Maybe they didn’t know what else to do. Rowing back to shore empty-handed, a man standing there told them to do something unusual. What happened when they obeyed? Reflecting further, are there personal insights the Holy Spirit wants to show you? Can you apply any to a current situation? Jesus is always there and will show you what to do. The question is: will you obey?
29 / Sat – Why do the hard stuff? | Read Gen 1:26-27 / John 3:16-17 / Revelation 7:9
Christians know they are to care about others but even those who are mean, nasty, angry? But why? Because God created every person in His image and Jesus sacrificed his life so they could live forever with him. When you love God, you love what He loves. You’ll bless Him immensely when you see as He does and genuinely care for others. Will you commit to treating everyone you meet as He would? You may not see results in your lifetime but God will know what you did in His name.