JAN 12 / Sunday – Read 1 Samuel 13:1-16
Overview: Our new winter message series, The Eye of God, is about seeing things better by viewing them through God’s eyes. Because when we look at life from God’s perspective, we find clarity. And, ultimately, that leads to joy.
13 / Mon – A promising start | Read 1 Sam 9:15-17 / 1 Sam 10:6-7, 9-10, 20-24
Through the prophet Samuel, God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. Although he was a tall and handsome young man, he was not a confident leader until the Spirit of the Lord came on him and changed his heart. Do you feel, or have you ever felt, God calling you to some task you did not think you were capable of doing? If so, what happened? The Lord promises that He will fully equip those He calls. All the strength, wisdom, creativity, understanding, and resources will be provided when you step out in obedience.
14 / Tue – A sad ending | Read Proverbs 3:1-7
King Saul ruled Israel for 40 years and gained many victories against their enemies. But something changed. Over time, he went from calling himself the Lord’s servant to asking Samuel to pray to “the Lord your God.” He disobeyed God’s specific instructions, repeatedly, and when confronted with his sin, he tried to excuse it. Eventually, the Lord stopped speaking to him. You can read his story in 1st Samuel 9-15. It is a sad example to learn from. Are you keeping your heart open and obedient or do you too often ‘lean on your own understanding’?
15 / Wed – David who? | Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13, esp v 7
The Lord declared He could not trust Saul, that He would give the kingdom to another and sent Samuel to anoint a new king. He was to go to a specific town, a specific family, at a specific time and there God would reveal him to Samuel. What an unlikely choice, the youngest of eight sons, the other seven seemed to be more likely candidates, and he was a lowly shepherd. Do you ever find yourself judging by appearances? That’s a good time to ask God to show you what HE sees.
16 / Thu – A surprised enemy | Read 1st Samuel 17:1-53
Just as with Saul when he was chosen king, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David powerfully from that day on. But he didn’t become king right away. David’s heart and his character were revealed in what happened next. This is a familiar story but take time to read it again, in context. Notice the setting, the circumstances, what the enemy boasted, and the reaction of King Saul and his army. Then read David’s bold words and what he did next. What motivated him? In your own battles, who do you fight for?
17 / Fri – Contrasts | Read Acts 13:20-22
When you compare King Saul’s and King David’s lives, what differences do you find? Both sinned grievously, more than once, so why is David now loved and revered while Saul came to a bad end? These verses give clues. What does it mean to be a person after God’s own heart? What application might you make to your own life? The Lord is not looking for perfection. He wants His people to see as He does. He wants those who will trust in His faithfulness and be faithful in return.
18 / Sat – Start here | Read Psalm 103:7-18 / 1 Corinthians 1:21-31
In order to see people and situations from God’s perspective, you need to know Him better. Every time you read the Bible, look for what you can learn about His character, His motivation, and some of the unusual ways he chooses to work out His plan. Only then can you begin to see through His eyes. This is not a one-and-done deal. It is a life-long process. Today would be a good day to ask God to help you know Him better.