OCT 20 / Sunday – Read Numbers 27:1-11 / Matthew 7:7-12

Overview: Think there’s a typo in the title? Nope. But it’s got you wondering. This message is about dealing with life’s realities and possibilities, seeking truth, taking Godly action, and trusting the Lord with the outcomes.

21 / Mon – A bold request  |  Read Num 27:1-13 / Josh 17:3-4

When Canaan was conquered, it was to be divided into 12 sections, one for each of the 12 tribes that descended from Jacob’s twelve sons. In Old Testament times, an inheritance was passed down from father to son but Zelophehad had only daughters when he died. Noah and her sisters petitioned Moses for their father’s inheritance. It was a bold request and went against tradition. Have you made any bold requests of the Lord? If so, what happened? If not, why not?

22 / Tue – Persistence  |  Read Luke 18:1-8

Noah and her sisters were bold in their request. They believed in the justness of their case. They were persistent. In this story, Jesus applauds persistent prayer. Are you like this widow? Do you need justice in your life? Or perhaps you know someone who does? Will you keep asking God for resolution? Will you be persistent even when the answers don’t come as quickly as you think they should? Don’t become discouraged and give up. God will answer at just the right time.

23 / Wed – Choices  |  Read Joshua 24:1-15

Following God’s way is always a choice. During the 40 years of the exodus, the Israelites were totally dependent on the Lord. He was their deliverer, their guide, protector, and provider. But when they conquered and began to settle in the land God had promised them, many decided they could proceed on their own. That is the context for Joshua’s challenge in v 15. Where are you today? When life gets easy, will you still choose to follow God’s ways? It is a daily choice.

24 / Thu – True or false  |  Read John 8:31-32 / John 16:13

Have you noticed that what looks like truth is not always true? More and more, godly discernment is needed. Why? Because what you believe determines your words and actions and is the foundation for all your choices. The devil can lie so subtly we don’t always recognize it. Jesus is Truth and taught truth. When you internalize his teachings, you can discern what is true and what is false (or a half-truth), what is morally good and what is evil. So when things get murky, will you depend on the promise in John 16? The Holy Spirit is always ready to guide you into all truth.

25 / Fri – Look up  |  Read Psalm 42:5 / Psalm 121:1-2

When you look around, what do you see? It might be the goodness of God and the beauty and blessing He rains down, in His mercy, on both the just and the unjust. Or sometimes you may be overwhelmed by the tragedy, injustice, and physical or spiritual poverty in so many places. Whatever the case, don’t forget to look up. That is where your hope comes from. Do you believe that God is good? That He has the understanding and power to accomplish His plans, even when it seems impossible? He does. He can. He will.

26 / Sat – Reach out  |  Read John 16:3 / John 17:26 / Acts 1:7

It was never God’s plan to bless a select few. His covenant with Abraham promised all the nations would be blessed by his descendants. Jesus chose and taught a few but then sent them out. Are you content to be blessed by the Lord and keep it to yourself? Unfortunately, God’s reputation has been tarnished by some of His representatives who live selfish lives and hurt others in the process. Will you be different? Will you choose to know Him as your primary goal and then make His true nature known to a skeptical world? That’s what Jesus did. That is what his first followers did and today you are their beneficiary.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.