Predicting the Winner Key #5: Do What You Can

OCT 13 / Sunday – Read Romans 12:18

Overview: Ever try to make someone love you or make someone kind and considerate who isn’t? Doesn’t happen, because on our own we can’t actually make peace happen. But, you can be a peacemaker.

14 / Mon – Peace  |  Read Romans 12:18

Key #5 is the admonition to live at peace with everyone. Sounds impossible? Take note of this qualifier in the NIV: “…as far as it depends on you…” There will always be those who are easily offended or quick to be upset. Ask the Lord to reveal any area in your life where you could do a better job of living at peace with others, even difficult people. Do what you can. Then leave the rest with God. Where could you start today?

15 / Tue – Keeping or making?  |  Read Matthew 5:9

Are you ever tempted to tell people what they want to hear just to keep them from getting mad? That is being a peacekeeper. Jesus calls us to be peace-makers. Building peace begins by facing issues instead of pushing them under the rug. It starts with trying to understand another’s point of view and their concerns or needs. It means looking for helpful solutions for all involved. It requires active listening and loving discernment. Where is God calling you to be a peacemaker right now?

16 / Wed – Peace with God  |  Read Rom 3:23-24 / Rom 5:1 / Ps 25:4-5

The most important thing in anyone’s life is finding peace with God. Rebellious human nature tends to think it knows what’s best, instead of listening to God. We are all born with it, wanting our own way, fighting against rules and anything else that limits our ‘freedom’ to do as we please. When we recognize this truth about ourselves and surrender, then we can be at peace with God. Is there some area the Holy Spirit brings to mind where you are still trying to be in control? If so, will you give in to Him now? Will you trust that He knows best and follow His ways?

17 / Thu – Peace of God  |  Read 2 Thess 3:16 / Phil 4:6-7

These verses are a reminder of where true peace comes from. Do you have any areas of unrest in your heart or mind? How do you deal with them when they pop up? What instructions and promises did Paul give in his letter to the Philippian church? What if you have done those things and you still struggle? Capture those thoughts as soon as they come (2 Cor 10:5b) and replace them with the kinds of thoughts listed in Phil 4:8. The God of peace is with you, always.

18 / Fri – A gift from Jesus to them and to you  |  Read John 14:27 / John 16:33

Fear can destroy your peace faster than anything. Jesus knew his disciples were about to have their world tossed upside down. He knew their human hearts. And even though he knew what lay ahead for him, he had so much peace he could give his to them. Don’t get discouraged if your peace fails you in circumstances over which you have no control. Look to Jesus. Ask Him for His peace, the kind that makes no sense, and He will give it to you.

19 / Sat – A calling for every Christ follower  |  Read Col 3:15 / Luke 10:5

Peace is more than just an important thing to possess. It is a way of life you are called to live. Once you have peace with God and the peace of God, you can and need to share it with others. How does that work? Your peace in tumultuous times can calm other people. Your speech, your choice of words, and the things you speak about can bring peace into any situation. Even when you enter a house (or any other building for that matter) you can say ‘peace to this house’ whether verbally or in your spirit. It can apply anywhere. Will you try this simple action? Then see what God will do.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.