OCT 06 / Sunday – Read Romans 12:9-10 / 1 Cor 13:1-3 / Matt 6:2, 5, 16 / Matt 23:27

Overview: The fourth key to a victorious life is to really love others and not fake it—where you don’t have to hide your true self because you truly do love others, showing devotion and honor. It’s a life free of hypocrisy.

Predicting the Winner Key #4: Don’t Dissimulate (Don’t Fake It)

07 / Mon – Dissimulation  |  Read Matthew 6:2-4, 5-6, 16-18

This week’s key uses a word that might not be familiar to you. To dissimulate means to conceal or disguise one’s true thoughts, feelings, or character by pretense; to act or speak hypocritically. Jesus had strong words for religious people who put on a show when they give, pray, or fast. Have you seen this kind of hypocrisy before? What does Jesus tell his followers to do instead? How do these words convict or encourage you to be more authentic in your own life?

08 / Tue – Authentic love  |  Read Rom 12:9a / 1 Cor 13:4-7

What does genuine love look like? You can see from Paul’s description in 1 Cor 13 that real love is not just a feeling. It is active and behaves in observable ways. Is there someone in your life who you know loves you? Do you see these characteristics demonstrated in the way they treat you? And conversely, do you know someone who says they love you but their actions don’t match their words? Don’t be that person. Ask God to help you genuinely love others, even the difficult ones.

09 / Wed – Hate evil  |  Read Rom 12:9b / Prov 6:16-19 / Matt 5:44

God is love but here is a list of things He hates. You can see some of these attitudes and actions on display today. Why does God hate them so much? Is it because they hurt those God dearly loves? But wait a minute and consider the perpetrators. Aren’t they also created in God’s image? Don’t they need redemption as badly as we do? Could this be the reason Jesus said we aren’t to take revenge but to love and pray for them? Don’t hate the person, hate the sin and pray for them. God can change anyone’s heart. Literally anyone.

10 / Thu – Cling to what is good  |  Read Rom 12:9c / Rev 21:3-5

To cling means to hold onto tightly. It’s related to clench which means to grasp firmly, to grip. If you pay any attention at all to news outlets, bad news is everywhere. It seems overwhelming, at times, and can lead to worry, fear, and loss of hope. What is the antidote? Remind yourself that God is in charge. He will make everything right in the end. Grasp this truth firmly, don’t let it go. Will you ask God to show you all the good that is still happening around you? Because it is.

11 / Fri – Be devoted to one another  |  Read Rom 12:10a / 1 Sam 18:1-4, 19:1-7, 20:12-13, 42

Loyalty can be a rare quality. Who is the most loyal person you know? Being devoted to someone shows a deeper level of friendship. It is more than just having someone to do things with, although that’s good too. It is being loyal. It means believing the best about them, defending their reputation, refusing to believe (or repeat) gossip you might hear about them, and always looking out for their best interests. To whom do you need to be more loyal than you’ve been in the past?

12 / Sat – Honor one another  |  Read Rom 12:10b / 1 Pet 2:17 / Phil 2:3-4

Love is important but it rings hollow if not accompanied by respect, a respect grounded in the fact that every person you meet has been created in God’s image. Yes, it can take longer to see that in some folks but showing respect and honoring them can lead to them seeing themselves through God’s eyes. True love respects and honors others because God does. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to keep you from judging by outward appearances and help you treat others as if Jesus were standing in their shoes? It can change everything, both for them and for you.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.