AUG 11 / Sunday – Read 2 Corinthians 5:17

Overview: Starting Over

12 / Mon – You’re not alone  |  Read Joshua 1:5

After forty years in the desert, Joshua was chosen by God to take Moses’ place, leading the people into the promised land. A huge task. It could have overwhelmed him but God told him to not be frightened or dismayed, that God Himself was going with him. Have you been faced with life tasks that seem impossible, that shake your confidence and faith? God isn’t going to forsake you either. Be in the word and in prayer. He is right beside you.

13 / Tue – Past mistakes  |  Read Romans 8:28

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are, or appear to be, so egregious that they stop us in our tracks. You make apologies and restitution, which is the right thing to do. However, we can’t erase our errors. But Jesus can and will, as you surrender to him. He can also use them to glorify God and help you to help others. Are you struggling over something you wish hadn’t happened? Have you surrendered it to God? He’s there for you and will lead you through your situation.

14 / Wed – Good works vs relationship  |  Read Galatians 2:16 / Matthew 7:13-14

Some people don’t feel they need a personal relationship with Jesus because “I’m not as bad as that guy.” Do you know anyone who thinks like this? Or do you? The truth is your good works will not get you through the narrow gate. God won’t compare your chore list and gold stars to anyone else’s when you head out to face Him. The good news is that surrendering your life to Him will change your perspective. Stop the comparisons and accept His offer of grace.

15 / Thu – The Holy Spirit at work  |  Read John 14:16-17

Ever had times when things just fell into place? Lucky coincidences? Happenstance? No, it is the Holy Spirit at work. Did a series of unexpected events make you reach your destination late, but you got there just in time to help someone out? God knows when and where you need to be to represent Him. Challenge: keep a record of those experiences for 30 days. You will be encouraged to see how active the Holy Spirit is in leading you. He wants to use you (yes, you) to make a difference.

16 / Fri – Weed Whacking  |  Read Luke 8:7 and 14

Most of us do not tolerate weeds. We keep a sharp eye and pull them out immediately so they don’t take over. But they never give up. They keep trying to invade. How do spiritual weeds try to choke out the life of Jesus in you? Do you keep a close eye out for weeds (sins) and clear them out of your life? How dedicated are you to uprooting them? Stay in the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any ways you are not living as Jesus would. He will help you discern and eliminate them before they overrun your life.

17 / Sat – New beginnings  |  Read Isaiah 43:18-19

As you have gotten older and gone through many life experiences, do you find it hard to let go of things and ‘stuff’ that happened in the past? Forgiveness can soothe the sting and help you heal. But what about the losses? The family, the friends, the job, the respect or status you once had. It can be sad but it is also a time for new beginnings. Lean hard on Jesus. He lived as a human and understands life’s hurts and fears. He will get you through these times and will open up the next chapter for you. Trust Him through the changes and uncertainties. He will give you a fresh start.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.