MAY 05  / Sunday – Read Luke 8:22-25 / Matt 14:22-32 / Luke 24:36 / John 20:19

Overview: There are times in life when we are filled with worry and doubt. The risen Jesus can calm our anxiety (and the storm).

06 / Mon – Jesus speaks peace  |  Read John 20:19-29 / Matthew 7:7-11

Jesus used the word ‘peace’ on many occasions. Often it was said to someone who had been healed from an illness or whose sins Jesus had just forgiven. But that did not stop with his death. Immediately after the resurrection, Jesus continued speaking peace to his anxious, grieving friends (v19, 21, 26). What an essential need for every person regardless of their situation. Where in your life do you need to hear Jesus speak peace to you? Ask and you will receive.

07 / Tue – Worry about the present  |  Read Matthew 6:25-27

We have all experienced anxiety now and then. Life is a wild ride sometimes, with obstacles and perils that rear up and seem impossible to overcome, consuming our minds and time. Does extensive worry devalue or diminish our trust in God? Today’s verses remind us of God’s promise to provide what we need. 1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” Will you hand your worries over to God and let him lead and love you through them?

08 / Wed – Worry about tomorrow  |  Read Matthew 6:28-34

Only God knows what will happen in the future, and we must trust Him. This doesn’t mean that we don’t need to address situations that require planning, concern, and action. Indeed we do, while remembering the first thing on our to-do list is to “seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” Have you ever borrowed trouble from tomorrow, overlooking God’s gifts and blessings today? Is there a prayer or Bible verse that will help you regain your focus on putting God first?

09 / Thu – Unexpected storms  |  Read Psalm 119:18 / 2 Kings 6:13-17

When a storm is approaching, sometimes you get a warning. Sometimes you don’t. In this familiar story, the man of God woke up to find his house surrounded by an army bent on taking him captive. How did Elisha respond to his servant’s panic in v16? Is there a situation in your life where you need to pray Elisha’s request for yourself (v17)? Read the rest of the story (v18-23) to see how creative God was in resolving this conflict. He can do the same for you.

10 / Fri – Look up  |  Read Matthew 14:22-33

Peter had been with Jesus long enough to know he could be trusted. He was brave enough to step out of the boat and take the next step toward Jesus. His mistake was looking down at the thing that threatened to drown him. When you find yourself in a storm of your own, do you look down instead of up? Don’t. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2a). Then take the next step to move closer to him and he will get you through the storm.

11 / Sat – Why you can trust God for the future  |  Read Malachi 3:6 / Hebrews 13:8

Reading and hearing the stories of Jesus are essential to a growing faith in him. They build trust as you deal with life’s circumstances now and in the future. When certain thoughts cause you to doubt God’s love and ability to walk you through difficult times, remember that God is immutable, a word that means unchanging. As you’ve trusted Him in the past, you can trust Him going forward. He will be the same compassionate, loving, stable, understanding, powerful God every day of your life. If your enemy tells you otherwise, squelch his words with the truth of God’s words.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.