MAR 17  / Sunday – Read John 11:17-44 / John 14:1-7 and 15-19

Overview: Do we rely on the luck of the Irish or truly believe that a loving and merciful God watches out for us?

18 / Mon – An effective tool  |  Read Jn 8:2-11 / Rom 8:1

Jesus did not deny the law God had given or excuse the charges brought against this woman. His thoughtful answer gave her accusers pause to consider their own lives. He protected her. Does this mean she was not guilty? No. She was forgiven (v 10-11). Self-condemnation is one of the devil’s most effective tools against us. Do you struggle with it at times? Jesus did not come to condemn but to save us. He knows what you’ve done…or not done. He forgives. He calls you to new life in him. How will you deal with any thoughts that contradict these truths?

19 / Tue – Jesus prays for you  |  Read Matt 19:13 / Lk 22:31-32 / Jn 17:1-11, 15, 20-26

Prayer was a hallmark of Jesus’ life on earth. One way he demonstrated his love was by praying for specific people, like the children whose parents brought them to him. Like Simon Peter, knowing this over-confident man would deny him in a few hours. Jesus prayed for his disciples the night before his crucifixion but did you know he prayed for you as well? What words from Jesus’ prayer resonate with you? How do you sense Jesus’ love coming to you through his prayer?

20 / Wed – Paul’s prayers, part 1  |  Read Eph 1:15-19a / Eph 3:14-19

As Jesus prayed for those he loved, so did Paul. In this letter to the believers in Ephesus, what specific things was Paul asking God to do in and to and through them? How do you think his words encouraged his readers and helped them to grow? Which of these requests echo the desire of your heart? What do you want the Lord to do for you in order to know him better? Write it below…

21 / Thu – Paul’s prayers, part 2  |  Read Phil 1:9-11 / Col 1:9-14

Paul prayed for the believers in Philippi and Colosse also, giving God specific requests. Do you wish someone would pray that way for you? You can echo these prayers for yourself. Write out these verses from yesterday or today. Insert your name and make them your prayer today…

22 / Fri – Praying for those you love  |  Read Eph 6:18 / 1 Tim 2:1-3

As Jesus and others in your life have shown their love by praying for you, who could you extend that same love to? Make a list of those you care about: family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, brothers, and sisters in Christ. But don’t stop there. Include those who serve and protect, your medical team, government leaders at every level, or others God puts on your heart. Select one day a week to pray for a portion of that list. Would you be willing to try this exercise for one week?

23 / Sat – The most difficult kind of prayers  |  Read Matt 5:43-48 / Luke 6:27-28

Now this is probably the hardest part about praying for others but it is what Jesus calls us to do. Loving difficult people means praying for them. You might think: this is impossible! But Jesus did and we are to follow his example. Try this. Make a list of your enemies. Keep it private but start praying for them as you would want someone to pray for you. When you don’t know what to say, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words. Are you willing to try? Trust God to help you do His will.

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.