NOV 24 / Sunday – Read Romans 12:13 / 1 Timothy 4:7-8 / James 1:22

Overview: We wrap up our “Predicting A Winner” message series with the final key for living a victorious life: Creating “practices” of goodness. Make hospitality (and the other keys from this series) your default setting.

25 / Mon – Sharing  |  Read Romans 12:13a / Matthew 25:34-40

Many little kids don’t like to share their stuff but they don’t mind taking things from other kids. Selfishness not only wants what it has but also what others have. This can happen to adults too. What is the cure? It starts by recognizing that God gives blessings to you so they can pour through you to others. You are His steward, tasked with using wisely what He’s given you. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the needs of others and how you can share with them?

26 / Tue – Hospitality  |  Read Romans 12:13b / Hebrews 13:2

Some people have the gift of hospitality. Maybe you don’t. Is that why Paul said we are to practice being hospitable? It starts by looking for opportunities. Ask the Lord to point someone out to you. Then invite them out for coffee or welcome them into your home for a meal or maybe a fun game night. You might be surprised at how it blesses you when your intention was to bless them. This is how some unlikely friendships started. Are you willing to take the first step?

27 / Wed – Keys #1-3  |  Read Romans 12:1-2 / Romans 12:3-5 / Romans 12:11-12

Key #1 in this series was that you dare to be different by not conforming to the world’s patterns but instead being transformed by renewing your mind, thinking God’s thoughts and seeing life from His view point. Key #2 was the challenge to get real, acknowledging your BTA (better-than-average) mindset and humbly admitting you need others. Key #3 was to be passionate, to keep your spiritual passion alive by being joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer, serving the Lord. Which keys are you doing well in? Is there one God wants you to focus on today? Will you?

28 / Thu – Keys #4-6  |  Read Romans 12:9-10 / Romans 12:18 / Romans 12:6-8

Key #4 was don’t dissimulate (fake it); be sincere. Key #5 was to do what you can to live at peace with everyone, as far as it depends on you. Key #6 was you do you, recognizing that everyone is gifted in some way so we complement (complete) each other. Remember you are on the same TEAM (together everyone achieves more). How are you doing with these three keys? What do you need extra help on today? Ask the Lord for His wisdom and strength.

29 / Fri – Keys #7-9  |  Read Romans 12:14, 17, 19-21 / Romans 12:15 / Romans 12:16

Key #7 was no paybacks with reminders of how Jesus calls us to respond to those who hurt us. Key #8 was to swap places by getting excited about others’ blessings and responding with empathy to those who mourn. Key #9 was to be willing to go low by resisting the temptation to be proud or unwilling to associate with someone of a ‘lower’ status and, with humility, realize we are all equal in God’s eyes. Is there one of these keys you might need to work on today? What will you do?

30 / Sat – Key #10  |  Read Romans 12:13 / 1 Timothy 4:7-8 / James 1:22

Key #10 is to practice (sharing and hospitality as examples). When trying to gain a new skill, you might not do it right the first few times but if you don’t give up, you’ll get better at it. As they say, practice makes perfect. It can help by tapping into the power of pre-decision. Decide ahead of time what to practice. Set a date to begin, then follow through. Repeat it the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next. Experts suggest it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. Where is God leading you to start?

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.