SEP 01 / Sunday – Read Matt 25:1-13 / Psalm 23:5 / Luke 7:44-48

Overview: While dandelions are a tasty weed, oil is the duct tape of the bible– with a plethora of uses–including anointing with oil. Later, God uses the Holy Spirit in its place to anoint Jesus. And the rest is (our) history.

02 / Mon – Olive oil fuel  |  Read Exodus 27:20-21 / Psalm 119:105

Before electricity, light came from candles and oil lamps. In ancient Israel, where olive trees were common, olive oil was primarily used. Lamps were portable and could be set in the house or taken on the road. The Lord God commanded that, even in the tabernacle, a lamp was to be kept burning before the ark of the covenant throughout the night. What is it that lights up your life? What is the fuel that keeps it burning brightly? And what do you do when it starts to run low?

03 / Tue – Light and darkness  |  Read Gen 1:1-5, 14-20 / 2 Cor 4:6 / John 8:12

Where did light originally come from? Isn’t it interesting that light was created before the sun, moon and stars existed? Why do you think God inspired the author of Genesis to write the creation story in this order? Are you walking through a dark time in your life? Are shadows threatening your peace? God has brought you, as His child, out of the darkness and He will be your light going forward. Are you willing to let Him lead you, instead of plunging ahead on your own? It takes patience.

04 / Wed – Be enlightened  |  Read Ephesians 5:8-20

One of the things that must set Christians apart is the way they live. Have you noticed how a person might say one thing but their actions don’t match. Don’t be that person. Instead take Paul’s counsel to heart. As you ponder his words, will you ask the Lord to reveal your strong areas and where you need to grow? He will encourage you by highlighting what pleases Him and point out what needs to change. You are His workmanship. Declare your willingness to follow His lead.

05 / Thu – Anointed for a purpose  |  Read Luke 4:16-21

Olive oil was used for lamps but also used to consecrate those whom God was calling to be priests and kings. This anointing set them apart for a special purpose. What did Jesus say he was being anointed to do? God also has a purpose for you. He has given you the anointing of the Holy Spirit to guide you into that calling. If you don’t know exactly what it might be, re-read what Jesus said here. How can you participate in doing those things right where you live, here and now?

06 / Fri – Healing properties  |  Read Luke 10:33-34 / Mark 6:12-13 / James 5:14

What did the good Samaritan do for the injured man on the road before taking him to the inn? Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can aid in healing skin conditions. You might be familiar with the instructions James gives to the sick but did you know Jesus set the precedence with his disciples? The oil itself isn’t necessarily the physical healing agent but it symbolizes the power of the Holy Spirit. Whatever kind of healing you need will come, either now or later. You can trust God to do the right thing at the right time. Will you ask and believe that He hears you?

07 / Sat – The oil of unity  |  Read Psalm 133:1-3 / Hebrews 12:14

When Aaron was first anointed to be the high priest, the scented olive oil, poured on his head, ran down into his beard and onto his robe. The psalm writer compares this to the blessing of God’s people living together in unity. Just as oil can make gears run more smoothly, the oil of unity can help the body of Christ bring God’s blessing to the world. Does it mean you have to agree with everyone on everything? No, but are you willing to avoid an argumentative attitude, be calm in your speech and work to find common ground? That is when you will exhibit the fragrance of Christ.


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.