SEP 08 / Sunday – Read Song of Songs 2:5 / Genesis 3 / Psalm 17:6-9

Overview: What better way to wrap up a message series than with an all-time favorite dessert, apple pie. But there’s more to the apple in the bible than meets the eye.

09 / Mon – The apple of His eye  |  Read Deut 32:9-11 / Zech 2:8b

Apples are a wonderful fall fruit but the apple of your eye is something or someone you treasure and protect at all costs. These verses reveal who the apple of God’s eye is. Let these words sink into your soul. Let them be a buffer when Satan lies to you about your value in God’s sight. Remind him that you have been adopted into Jacob’s family through Jesus’ sacrifice so these words apply to you as well. Will you keep believing this, even when circumstances seem otherwise? Consider making David’s prayer in Psalm 17:8 your own.

10 / Tue – The apple of your eye  |  Read Prov 7:2-3 / Ps 119:11

Solomon was a man gifted with unusual wisdom because he treasured God’s words and lived them.  Although Solomon was writing to his son, the Holy Spirit speaks through these words today. When you make God’s word as precious to you as the apple of your eye, knowing it will help you see the truth in any given situation and allow you to make wiser decisions. The first step is getting His word in your head and heart. So read it, ponder it, obey it. How will you focus on this today?

11 / Wed – Believing without seeing  |  Read John 20:29 / 1 Peter 1:8-9

Thomas was so deeply wounded by grief and despair he couldn’t believe the report until he saw the evidence for himself. Jesus understood and compassionately gave Thomas what he needed. Then Jesus said this about us today in v 29. Do you want to believe even when you don’t see any reason to do so? It starts by knowing God’s character, trusting He is good to the core, believing what He says and remembering His past blessings. Will you make Peter’s words your own declaration?

12 / Thu – Blind spots  |  Read Matthew 7:3-5

Jesus used this example to help his followers understand what needs to happen before helping a brother or sister see their blind spots. Most of us notice what’s wrong with another person while missing what needs to be changed in ourselves. Your view will be warped until you deal with your own stuff first. But remember, if love isn’t your motive and humility isn’t your attitude when helping another person, you’ll be wrong, even when you’re right. Is there a place in one of your relationships right now where this could be applied?

13 / Fri – Don’t be short-sighted  |  Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

You could say this earthly life is the front porch where we make decisions that affect our new life once we walk through the front door into God’s home for us. He has got great things planned but, for now, He sometimes makes following Him difficult. Why? He wants you to love Him for Himself, not because of heaven’s treasures. You will be amazed when you get there. But being with Him, in person and forever, will be your greatest reward. How can you live today with this goal in mind?

14 / Sat – Seeing through Jesus’ eyes  |  Read John 4:34-38

Sometimes we walk through the day so focused on our own agenda and to-do lists that we miss those God wants us to connect with. Jesus had just finished a life-changing conversation with the Samaritan woman when he told his followers to open their eyes, to see what he sees, that people’s hearts are ready and open. They need to know they’re loved by God just as they are. Your kindness or smile can open a door to another life-changing conversation. Will you watch and be ready?


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

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The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.