Oct 31 / Sunday – Overview | John 20:19-22 KJV / Eph. 5:15-20 / Matt. 27:48-54
Our “Weird Word” message series looks at important words used by Christians, but that are just plain weird to other people. Each week’s message will unpack one or more of these words to try and “un-weird” them.
01 / Mon – Ghost | Read John 20:19-22 (King James Version)
Have you noticed how the meanings of some English words have changed over the years? The King James Bible was translated in 1611 when the word ‘ghost’ meant the living essence of a person and ‘spirit’ referred to a vision of a dead person. Today these meanings are reversed. Whether your Bible refers to the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, it is talking about this precious third person of the Trinity. How well do you know him?
02 / Tue – Para-what? | Read John 14:16 (Amplified Bible)
The Greek word paraclete is used in this verse, and in other places in John, to describe the Holy Spirit. It literally means one called alongside. There are multiple synonyms for this word which explains why you may see different words used in different Bible translations. You will see words like comforter, advocate, helper, counselor, intercessessor. Which word(s) resonate the greatest with you and why?
03 / Wed – More than a ghost | Read John 14:26 / John 15:26 / John 16:7-15
This extended conversation happened just before Jesus and his disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. He plainly told them he was leaving to go back to his Father. They were grieved but Jesus comforted them with the promise that he would send the Holy Spirit to help them. As you read these scriptures, list all that Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do. Where do you see the Holy Spirit working in your life at this moment?
04 / Thu – With and in | Read John 14:16-17
The Spirit of God was evident in the Old Testament, working through specific people to accomplish his purposes. Those who honored and obeyed God knew that he was with them. But Jesus gave his followers this new understanding that the Holy Spirit would not only be with them but he also would be in them. This promise is for everyone who chooses to follow Jesus. How does this affect your everyday perception of the Holy Spirit?
05 / Fri – Actions speak louder than words | Read Ephesians 5:15-20
When you recognize that you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the way you live will look differently. As your heart changes so will your motives, your desires, your goals and how you reach them. The way you spend your time and money. Even how you relate to those you dislike will change. It happens as you listen to the Holy Spirit and cooperate with him. Is there an area of your life that needs to line up with God’s ways? Ask the Spirit to guide you. Then trust him to be your counselor in all things.
06 / Sat – The end is not the end | Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 and 53-58
Do you know someone who clinically died and came back to life? Do you know anyone who died, was buried and then resurrected in a body you could see and touch, besides Jesus? Probably not but this is the promise God makes to all his children. Though your physical body might die, the real you lives forever. You are promised a new body at the resurrection. And God always always keeps his promises. How does this give you hope? Who can you share this hope with today?
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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