OCT 30 / Sunday – Read Mark 12:41-44 / Luke 18:18-2
Overview: Jesus says the widow who gave two “pennies” (mites) gave more than all the rest because she gave her all. How does that math work?
31 / Mon – Just ask | Read Matthew 7:7-11 / John 15:7 / James 4:2-3
Tonight little kids will dress up in costumes, knock on doors of people they don’t know, and get some candy, just for the asking. God is the epitome of generosity. Scripture is filled with story after story of His generous provision even when it was not deserved. Jesus urged his followers to ask, seek and knock. James explains why some prayers aren’t answered. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you personally through these verses?
NOV 01 / Tue – All Saints Day | Read Phil 4:21-22 (New King James Version)
These verses illustrate that ‘saints’ in New Testament days were not like the saints we talk about today. Instead of a super-holy person who performed miracles and has since died, saints in the Bible referred to all those who were wholeheartedly following Jesus. It did not mean then, nor does it mean today, that Christ-followers are flawless. So what ‘saints’ poured generously into your life but are now with the Lord? How will you honor them by paying forward what they invested in you?
02 / Wed – It’s not how much you give… | Read Mark 12:41-44
Some people give out of their abundance but for this woman, it was not the case. Widows in New Testament times were often the poorest in their communities because, when a woman’s husband died, she lost all income and was often dependent on male relatives to provide. What did Jesus observe about her offering? Why do you think she gave so much? What motivates you to give?
03 / Thu – Treasures | Read Matthew 6:19-21
So how does someone store up treasures in heaven? What treasure was Jesus talking about? God has given us all we need right now…a place to live, clothes to wear, food, relationships, a source of income, even the breath in our lungs. We know any of these could be lost in an instant, but do we really know it? How can this understanding keep you from gripping temporary things too tightly? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to invest in things that will last for eternity.
04 / Fri – Generosity in everyday life | Read 2 Corinthians 9:8
It is important to realize that a generous attitude can be part of every area in your life, not just in finances. Are you willing to share what you have? Your home, your time, your stuff? What are other ways you can live generously? Resist the temptation to think I’m just too busy or too tired when the Lord asks you to serve. Or to say I don’t have the gift of hospitality when He wants you to invite someone for a meal. Be willing to do what God asks and see what He will do through you.
05 / Sat – Financial PTSD | Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Past financial insecurity can become a source of financial PTSD in the present followed by crippling fears for the future. It cheats you out of the joy of giving to helping others and of supporting God’s kingdom work here and around the world. Giving to the church is not like paying a bill… I have to give to the church so God will be happy with me. He doesn’t need your money. But He does want you to experience the joy that comes from giving generously and seeing how He will use it.