JUL 10 / Sunday – Read Matt. 8:23-27 / Romans 8:28 / James 2:20

Overview: Not every day is sunshine and smiles. So where is God when we encounter the storms of life?

11 / Mon – Trouble  |  Read Mark 4:35-38

Ever been in a boat on the lake when a storm approaches? Probably not on purpose. The disciples were specifically directed by Jesus to get in the boat and row to the other side of the lake. They obeyed. A storm came up while Jesus was asleep in the stern. Can you relate to this story? What are some storms you have weathered in your life? Ever had serious trouble overtake you as you were obeying what God told you to do? What happened? What did you learn?

12 / Tue – I got this. Not.  |  Read Mark 4:38-39

At least four of the disciples had been seasoned fishermen so it’s likely they did everything they could before they woke Jesus. Like them, do you try to handle things on your own before you ask for help? It often takes a person coming to the end of their own abilities and resources before they finally turn to Jesus. But then, just a few words from him calms the storm. Are you in the middle of something right now? Don’t wait until you have tried everything else before you call on Jesus.

13 / Wed – Aftermath  |  Read Mark 4:40-41

Jesus wanted to know why they were afraid. His follow-up question could have been phrased…“do you still have no faith in me?” Faith is not an object, as in…my faith is important to me. Instead faith is the trust you place in someone or something. The more you get to know someone, the greater probability you will trust them. The more you learn of God’s character, the easier it is to trust him. And the more trust you have, the greater your peace, even in a storm. What is your trust level?

14 / Thu – You are not flying solo |  Read John 16:33

Storms can come in many forms…health problems, financial strains, difficult job situations, family or marriage issues,. Some storms seem to resolve over time while others are violent and leave a lot of damage behind. No matter what your storm may be, you never face it alone. If you will firmly say “I trust you, Jesus” repeatedly – to him, to yourself and to the devil  – something changes in your perspective. Where can you start doing that right now?

15 / Fri – To you and through you  |  Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

When you are in a difficult situation, you can feel a variety of emotions…overwhelmed, loss of hope, feeling alone, that no one else truly understands, fear or even panic attacks. Did you feel some of these during a stormy time in your life? What did you do? What helped you keep your balance? Did God send people who helped you get through it? What encouragement would you offer to others going through their own storms?

16 / Sat – Prep time  |  Read 2 Peter 1:3-9

If you have any life experience at all, you know troubles are inevitable. That is not meant to sound fatalistic. Instead it is facing reality. It is a call to get ready. When life is good, that is the time to prepare for what lies ahead. Peter made an astounding statement in verse 3. It is affirmed by the promises God has given. Your part is to look for and press those promises firmly into your mind. Then take action (v. 5-7). What are some of those promises you have already discovered?

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.