JUN 12 / Sunday – Read Matthew 16:13-23 / Isaiah 43:1-4
Overview: What name do you have now? God may have a new one for you.
13 / Mon – What’s in a name? | Read Gen 2:7, 19-22 and 3:20 and 4:1-2, 25
Names are important and they mean something. In Genesis, the first man was given the task of naming all the animals. His own name, Adam, meant the man. His wife was Eve (living). Their sons were named Cain (brought forth), Abel (breath) and Seth (granted). Do you know what your name means? Do you know why your parents chose that name? Do you know what God calls you?
14 / Tue – God hears you, can you hear him? | Read Is 43:1 and 45:1-4 / 1 Sam 3:1-10
God knows who you are. He knows your name. Hannah had been unable to have children. In her sorrow, she cried out to the Lord and he granted her request. She named her son Samuel (God has heard) and dedicated him to God’s service. While Samuel was still young, he woke up hearing the Lord calling his name. Three times. Literally. When have you heard God call your name? What has he spoken to you about in the past? Is he speaking to you about something right now?
15 / Wed – Name-changer | Read Matthew 16:13-18
In the Old Testament, God gave several people a new name: Abram became Abraham, Sarai was renamed Sarah, Jacob was given the name Israel. These came during their encounters with the living God. Here Jesus gave Simon a new name…Peter (rock). He knew who Simon would become. Is there someone in whom you see great potential but they think they have little value? Maybe you are the one to help them see themselves as God does. God doesn’t see anyone as a loser!
16 / Thu – Falling short | Read Matthew 16:21-23 / Proverbs 3:11-12
People don’t always live up to their names. Jesus had just given Simon a new name (Peter) but what happened next illustrated how far he was from understanding God’s plan. Jesus rebuked him but did he take away Simon’s new name, his new identity? He did not. If you are experiencing some correction from the Lord, don’t let it discourage you. Instead repent, realign your perspective with his, and move forward.
17 / Fri – Unwanted designations | Read Daniel 1:1-21
Daniel and his friends experienced some of the most devastating things that can happen to a person. They lost their homes and families, were taken captive to a foreign country, required to learn a new language and embrace a culture that denied their God. They were given new names reflecting the false gods of their captors. Has anyone called you something that does not represent your true identity? Follow Daniel’s example. Do not allow it to change the way you think and act.
18 / Sat – God’s name reveals who he is | Read John 17:3
The word god is a generic name that is used in all sorts of ways. For example, the common phrase oh, my god (OMG). But our GOD is above all others. Sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere at the same time, and good! He revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty. To Haggar as the God who saw her. To Moses as I AM. To the Israelites as God their provider. Jesus showed us our Father in heaven and demonstrated his character. He loved us before we could do anything to earn it. Who do you know God to be? Search his Word and ask him to show you.
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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