JUN 05 / Sunday – Read Matthew 14:22-33 / Acts 2:1-21
Overview: One moment in life can change everything. Especially when that moment involves the Holy Spirit.
06 / Mon – Brothers | Read John 1:29-42a
When we first meet Simon Peter, he is a professional fisherman with a wife, a mother-in-law, and a brother (Andrew) who had been listening to some wild preacher in the wilderness, John the Baptist. When John pointed his disciples toward Jesus, they began to follow him instead. What Andrew saw and heard convinced him that Jesus was the Messiah. He couldn’t wait to tell his brother Simon. Who was the first person to tell you about Jesus?
07 / Tue – Unexpected | Read Luke 5:1-11
Simon knew who Jesus was but not until he had this encounter with Jesus did he realize just who he himself was. Put yourself in Simon’s sandals. You’ve worked all night and have nothing to show for it. Then a miracle happens. What would your response be? Read the surprising things Simon did and said (v. 8). God’s kindness is intended to lead to us repentance because, like Simon, we know it is undeserved (Romans 2:4b).
08 / Wed – Family | Read Matthew 4:13 / Mark 1:29-34
Although Jesus grew up in Nazareth, he moved to Capernaum after his baptism and it became the home base for his ministry. After church one Sabbath, Jesus went home for lunch with Simon. His mother-in-law lived with them and she was very ill. What did Jesus do for her? Do you think this gave Simon assurance that his family would be cared for when he was out on ministry trips with Jesus? Do you ever hold back from following Jesus because you worry about your family?
09 / Thu – There is hope | Read Psalm 139:1
As you read about Simon (Peter) in the gospels, have you noticed he had a few faults? He did not always speak or act wisely. He was impulsive. He was prejudiced against non-Jews. He offered Jesus unsolicited advice on things he knew little about. He didn’t always understand what Jesus was trying to teach. The amazing thing is Jesus did not give up on Simon or toss him out of the group. Jesus knew Simon better than Simon knew himself. And Jesus knows you too.
10 / Fri – Water | Read Matthew 14:22-33
Simon was just as afraid as the other disciples were, but when he recognized Jesus, he had the faith to step out of the boat. What caused him to start sinking? Has there been a time when you accomplished something that seemed almost impossible because you kept your eyes on Jesus? Maybe you are facing a difficult situation right now and don’t know how it could ever be resolved. Don’t be afraid to do what Jesus says and keep your focus on him.
11 / Sat – Fire | Read Acts 2:1-21
This was the moment (v. 4) when Simon Peter’s life was irrevocably changed from a small town fisherman who ran away from conflict to boldly proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, even if there were consequences. The Holy Spirit gave him clarity of speech and the boldness to speak the truth of the gospel. If you ask, the Holy Spirit will also change you by giving you the courage to speak up, to do the right thing when it is not easy. Do you believe Jesus deserves that from you?
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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