MAY 01 / Sunday – Read 2 Peter 3:18 / 2 Corinthians 3:18

Overview: Being a Christian is less about knowing facts about Jesus and more about growing to be like Jesus.

02 / Mon – Peter’s final words to the church  |  Read 2 Peter 3:18

What would be the most important thing you’d want to communicate at the end of your life? This letter, the last one Peter wrote, came from a Roman prison as he awaited execution. He ends it by urging all who follow Jesus to focus on two things – continuing to grow in grace and continuing to grow in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of all the things he could have said, why did he choose these? How are they connected? Are they a priority in your life?

03 / Tue – Growing in knowledge  |  Read Proverbs 9:10 / 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Knowledge is important. What you learn affects how you think which, in turn, affects how you live. Growing in knowledge should lead to understanding. But it does not always do so. Timothy warns his readers about ‘teachers’ who take advantage of this desire for knowledge in order to control gullible people whose learning never seems to lead them to the truth. Who or what are your sources? Are they trustworthy? How can you tell?

04 / Wed – Growing faith  |  Read Mark 4:30-34

Jesus often described the kingdom of heaven as something that starts small and grows over time. Did you know the average size of a mustard seed is 0.058 inch? Yet it can grow into a 6 to 20 ft. tall bush with a 20 ft. spread, providing shelter for the birds. And what about a newborn, weighing in at seven pounds, 21.5 inches who grows into a 6 foot, 180 pound man? Both can happen with good nutrients and patience. How do you see God’s kingdom growing in those around you? In youself?

05 / Thu – Growing conditions  |  Read Mark 4:1-9, 14-20

One of Jesus’ most well-known parables describes why the truth of God’s word sometimes has different effects at different times. As you read the story and explanation, think how to apply it. Do you know someone whose heart seems hard or uninterested in knowing Jesus? What might be the reason? Could you pray for or treat them differently than you have in the past? Bringing this closer to home, what can you do to cultivate your heart so it is more receptive to God’s words?

06 / Fri – The source of all goodness  |  Read John 15:1-8

Most religions have specific or implied requirements for being acceptable to their god. The good news of the gospel is that, even though no one can ever become good enough, Jesus gifted us his goodness. He is the source. Literally. The life he offers is not a result of trying harder but by staying connected to him, learning to know him better. WWJD is not a bad guideline. What would Jesus do? or think? or say? And if you don’t know the answers to these questions, ask him to show you.

07 / Sat – Signs of growth and maturity  |  Read 2 Corinthians 3:18

What does growth/maturity look like if you are a person who loves Jesus and wants to look like him? The first thing others might see is that you love well. They may notice that your speech is different. That you are generous, willing to help, or that you are humble when you could take the credit. Maybe they see you are as interested in listening as you are in talking and kind to those others ignore. What are other ways you can let Jesus live his life through you?


The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.

If you have a question or comment about the GPS Guide, please send it to: [email protected]

The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.