MAR 19 / Sunday | Series: Impossible Commands – Read 2 Kings 6:1-23
Overview: In many places throughout the bible God reminds us to not be afraid. But fear is natural, so how does that work?
20 / Mon – Surrounded: Act 1 | Read 2 Kings 6:8-17, especially v16-17
Can you imagine the terror Elisha’s servant experienced when he went out in the morning to find they were completely surrounded by an army of chariots and horsemen? His master, the prophet, seemed unperturbed and simply said ‘don’t be afraid.’ What was the reason for his confidence? His prayer and God’s answer dramatically changed the servant’s perspective. Are you facing something that causes you great fear? Ask God to open your eyes and let you see what he sees.
21 / Tue – Surrounded: Act 2 | Read Matt 5:43-44 / Luke 6:27-28 / 2 Kings 6:18-23
You are most likely familiar with Jesus’ command to pray for your enemies. That is what Elisha did but it was an unexpected prayer. Compare the soldiers’ experience (v18) with the servant’s (v17). Then read what Elisha did next. How did he treat these vulnerable soldiers? What did he advise the king to do when they arrived at the palace? And what was the final outcome of this story? Are there any takeaways that might apply to what you may be facing right now?
22 / Wed – A command with a promise | Read Gen 26:24 / Is 43:5 / Jer 1:8
Isaac, Isaiah and Jeremiah are just a few of the people God appeared to in the scriptures and it caused them great fear. That was the first thing the Lord addressed so they could hear his words. What reason did he give them for not being afraid? What are you facing that’s causing your fear to rise up? The promise God made to them is also for you today. Ask God to make this truth so real that it puts fear in its place. Choose to not let it rule over you.
23 / Thu – No matter what | Read Jn 16:33 / Ps 23:4 / Is 43:2-3a / Ps. 46:1-3
Many fears have to do with the future, things that haven’t happened yet but very possibly could. Everyone has a list of things they fear. What’s on yours? Some Christians believe that if they are faithful to serve the Lord, he will never allow something bad to happen in their lives. Is that an actual promise God has made to his people? What assurances do you get from the verses above? How do they apply to the things you are afraid of? As you acknowledge what you fear and remind yourself that God goes before you, behind you and with you, fear loses its power.
24 / Fri – Reasons | Read Isaiah 41:10, 13-14
These verses were directed to God’s people, the descendants of Abraham but because Jesus’ sacrifice opened the way for Gentiles to become part of God’s family, these promises now apply to you also. As a Christ-follower, God is telling you “don’t be afraid” and showing you he is why you don’t have to fear. Personalize these powerful verses by inserting your own name into them. Declare them aloud as many times as you can to plant them in your mind and in your heart. When you do, they will become your ammunition against fear each time it knocks on your door.
25 / Sat – The power of choice | Read Psalm 56, especially v3 and v11
Fear is a human emotion that springs up unbidden when you feel threatened. You may not have a choice about the feeling but you do have a choice about your reaction. Psalm 56 describes David’s desperate situation when he had been seized by his enemies in Gath. Maybe you don’t face physical enemies but you do have an enemy whose sole purpose is to convince you that God cannot be trusted. Will you declare your intentions to God (from v3) and declare v11 to the devil? That is where your victories over fear will come from.