JAN 09 / Sunday – Read Gen 12:10 / Gen 20 / 2 Sam 11-12 / Jn 8:2-11 / 1 Jn 1:9
Overview: The Chance #2022 message series considers how God repeatedly gives us more than just a second chance when we screw up.
10 / Mon – Good intentions | Read Matthew 26:33
How’s your new year going? Many of us would confess we’ve already broken at least one of our resolutions to live better. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is how many Bible heroes failed too. You may have heard how Abraham tried to save his own skin by saying his wife was his sister, two different times. Or read of Jacob’s deceptions, David’s adultery, Peter’s denial. So what’s the point? God was willing to give them another chance. Do you need a second chance too?
11 / Tue – An unpleasant mess | Read Psalm 19:14 / Matthew 5:23-24
Sometimes you do or say something without thinking. Caught up in a moment, you can react in a way you later regret. Maybe when feeling passionate about something, you have fallen victim to a condition Grandpa used to call diarrhea of the mouth. You may not even be aware of the damage until later. What happens next? Do you ignore it, become defensive or laugh it off? Don’t lose your chance to make things right by putting it off. Ask God to help you do the right thing. He will.
12 / Wed – Even this? | Read 2 Sam. 11:1 – 12:14 (David’s story) / Psalm 51 (David’s prayer)
Know anyone who thinks what they’ve done is so bad it disqualifies them from another chance? Point them to King David’s story. This valiant giant-slayer (who led his nation to victory over their enemies, wrote songs of worship, and was even called a man after God’s own heart) did what?! How could God possibly forgive that? David’s response was a heartbroken confession. He took responsibility, bore the consequences and was given a second chance. You can too.
13 / Thu – Take a look | Read Matthew 12:33-37 / Proverbs 4:23-24 / Philippians 4:6-8
Jesus taught that words and actions spill over from the heart. There has always been this illusion that we can control our future. When your world seems to spin out of control, what comes out of your heart? It will show up in your words and attitudes. These can have a powerful effect on others. What will you do to guard yourself from words or actions you will later regret?
14 / Fri – Start here | Read Romans 12:1-2 / John 8:31-32
Every time you screw up, there is forgiveness. But it’s good to learn from those experiences and never repeat them, right?. One of the most powerful ways to see change is to follow what Paul urged the Roman believers to do. When you offer your whole self to the Lord, you are giving him permission to change you from the inside out. Where does transformation start? What can you do to renew your mind?
15 / Sat – Consider… | Read Matthew 7:24-29
What personal insights have you discovered in this week’s scriptures? What is the first thing you will do to put those into practice?
The GPS (Grow, Pray, Study) Guide provides Scripture and insights to enhance your journey, whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith or are a long-time Christian.
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