DEC 31 / Sunday – Read Galatians 5:13-26
Overview: After weeks of holiday feasts and Christmas cookies, there’s welcome relief in the upcoming, calorie-free message. It’s all about the benefits of spiritual fruit.
2024 / 01 / Mon – A time ball? | Read Isaiah 58:11
Before electronic time signals existed, a time ball was lowered at the same time every day to allow ship captains to precisely set their chronometers, a vital navigation instrument, before leaving port. Few exist today but the most well-known has been used in Times Square since Dec 31, 1907, to signal the start of a new year. What about you? How do you make sure your spiritual navigation system is accurate as you sail into a new year? Will you do anything differently going forward?
02 / Tue – Universal hope | Read 1st Pet 1:3 / Rom 15:13 / Heb 11:1-2 / Jer 29:11
There have been several versions of the Times Square ball since 1907. The current version is composed of crystal triangle panels engraved with words of desire for unity, abundance, courage, healing, wisdom, fellowship, and peace. What do you need hope for right now? Which of these verses is the most encouraging? Will you plant them in your mind to access when discouragement tries to creep in? Maybe you’ll have opportunities to share these with others this week.
03 / Wed – “I do hereby resolve to…” | Read Colossians 1:15-20, especially v 15, 19
The beginning of a new year often sparks resolutions. Did you make any? Was becoming more like Jesus at the top of the list? When you thoughtfully read the gospels, you see what Jesus was like as a man. Compassionate. Kind. Courageous. Brave. Loyal. Wise. Thoughtful. What other qualities do you observe as you read his story? When you know him as a friend and ask for his help, those qualities will grow in you. Then you can be like him to others. That is what drew people to Jesus then and what will draw them to him now.
04 / Thu – Holy words | Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Statistics show many resolutions fade away after a few months or even weeks, similar to a person’s decision to read the Bible consistently. The beginning is riveting but then it slows down and you are tempted to quit. Don’t. Pick a different book. The Bible is, after all, a library. Commit to 5 minutes a day. Read, then think. What does it tell you about God? What does it tell you about yourself? Is there something you need to do? A warning to keep you out of trouble? Maybe an encouraging promise to claim? It’s not just what you read, it’s what you do with what you’ve read.
05 / Fri – Your source | Read John 15:1-8, especially v5b, 7-8
Jesus said without him we can do nothing. That includes living a fruitful life. If you’ve visited a vineyard, Jesus’ analogy comes to life. Winter branches look brown and withered but see how they are still attached to firmly-rooted vine stock. That is where new life comes from each spring. How can you stay connected to Jesus during difficult times? He is the source of your very life and at the right time, you will produce fruit that will bless all who pass by. Don’t let yourself be cut off.
06 / Sat – What comes out of you | Read Galatians 5:19-26
Every person is a producer. You can see that as you look at those around you. Some people are like a ray of sunshine and you love being near them. Others you avoid at all costs because their attitude is often negative or judgemental. The question is: what are you producing? These verses show the kind of fruit the Holy Spirit wants to grow in Christ-followers. Which ones do you see in yourself? What would you like to grow in this year? Stay connected to Jesus. His life will flow through yours and it will be a pleasure for others to be around you. Then you can point them to your Source.