St. Croix Paddle/Picnic Adventure

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Everyone is invited to join us on Saturday, July 9, for canoeing/kayaking down the St. Croix River on a 2-3 hour paddling cruise. We’ve reserved the 11 a.m. trip slot with in Osceola, WI.

Cost is $30 per canoe/kayak ($35, tandem kayak) with all equipment provided (or $10 if you bring your own.) No payment is required prior to the event, but we need to know how many persons will be going in order to reserve the boats and equipment, so register below.

Bring a picnic lunch, which we’ll enjoy upon leaving the water at Osceola Landing. And don’t forget your sunscreen and bug spray!


Need a ride? Meet at church, 9:15am.


Event registration ended on Sunday, June 26. Contact Mark Seaquist with any questions.

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